NRL Rumour Mill Thread (Spoilers)

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A St George Illawarra U/20's player Dylan Lauri has tested positive to Nandrolone and has been suspended.
Queensland Police have decided to take no further action in regards to Will Chambers despite a formal complaint being lodged against him!.

The complaint was actually withdrawn, old mate had his 15 minutes in the sun. I strongly encourage anyway who has been assaulted to go to the police but this bloke told the media them marched into police HQ to make the complaint, what a joke!!
Great to see a club come out swinging against such adversity, love seeing silver tail teams beaten by battlers! The only issue I have with the sharks winning is it outs Canberra one step closer to the spoon!
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should of seen those eastern suburbs scum giving us shit in the first half
nekk minnit
left with there tails between there legs
blaming the refs etc etc
haha so good
biggest bandwagon supporters in the comp
lol@ there stupid EASTS chant every 2 minutes as well fucking embarrassing
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