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  1. clarkescards

    Post whores

    Shivers. I'm down to 4.38 I thought it would be an achievement if I was under 10/day, but under 5!! Better rectify that then....
  2. clarkescards

    DVD Collections :) , What have you brought lately?

    Picked up Stephen King Box set today (Cujo/Langoliers/Pet Sematary/The Stand), for $26, but after a refund from the store from a previous purchase, it basically only cost $13. Had been trying to pick up The Stand for ages, but to get the others in the box set was sweeter.
  3. clarkescards

    JOKE: Breast Milk

    You must be mellowing in your drug stupour, Scotty!!! No profanity, no crudeness, inoffensive.... :cool:
  4. clarkescards

    over priced postage

    Yeah, $5 for Airmail is generally my max. If they don't quote a price, nowadays I ask. But yeah, I've heard that excuse about lining up at the PO many times, and I usually get the fact that they had to drive to the PO, and the cost of Petrol too.
  5. clarkescards

    Sellers, non feedback leavers..

    Yeah, I've got quite a few too. Nothing that really annoys me more than sellers not leaving feedback. I understand the concept of not leaving feedback first, being scared of negative feedback left in return, but I'm of the belief that sellers should leave feedback once they receive the payment...
  6. clarkescards

    Aussie Post Charges

    So did they get rid of the small size, and only have the large? Or got rid of the large, and only have small? But, yeah, had heard that there had been one significant increase, and are also looking at another increase.
  7. clarkescards

    Idiots on ebay.

    What? So you don't like people being sensible & sticking to a limit of what they're willing to pay. So what if their initial bid ends up being nowhere near the final bid. They obviously know what they are willing to pay, hoping to get a bargain, and then trying to flip it for a higher amount.
  8. clarkescards

    G,day new member and collector

    Hehehe. I've been to Portland a few times (when goups of friends have gone to Mt Gambier or Nelson), and both times I have come back with some great NBA items. 1st time picked up an Orlando Magic cap, and the 2nd time picked up NBA Jam Session board game from 2nd hand shop, so lots of good...
  9. clarkescards

    New Users

    Hve to say Lippo, that I disagree. Let them get straight into it. Yes it is in their best interest for us to get to know a little bit about them, but it is not actually required. As it is, they have to fill out a lot of information to sign up.
  10. clarkescards


    Good work, Graham, and good suggestion Scotty.
  11. clarkescards

    My Biggest Dwight Signature..

    Awesome pickups, Nanda. Man, am I jealous or what!! Where do you live again?? ;-) Love the Dwight autos (Exquisite & Jersey). Top work.
  12. clarkescards

    Jackson win WNBA MVP

    Didn't know that she also won the DPOY. That's awesome. Too bad there's not more Aussie women honored too.
  13. clarkescards

    Best Siblings in the AFL?

    Yeah, would definitely agree with you that the Cornes brothers are probably the best. Wouldn't the Cloke brothers make #10?
  14. clarkescards

    Share Your Desktop here

    Here's mine
  15. clarkescards

    OzCards Users Blog - Should we add it ?

    Personally, I probably wouldn't use it much, but I guess other people would get into it. Also, just thought that this would probably be a better tool to use for maildays than the mailday threads.
  16. clarkescards

    Need a Price or Value on a Card BV $$ ? Ask Here

    It does in normal maths, but Beckett BV would equate it to $40.
  17. clarkescards

    Completed Clarkescards/Sue_7777

    Yep, arrived today. Many thanks.
  18. clarkescards

    Shaq back on the market

    Shaq-daddy back on the prowl??? A shame to hear. Let's hope it'e a peacful/easy seperation where both parties walk away friends.
  19. clarkescards

    Rodman to Aus. no longer likely

    Just as well Chad has ridden off into the sunset!!! Otherwise I could've smelt a ban coming on... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. clarkescards

    Team USA - Tourney of the America's

    Yeah, they don't have a large line-up, but they are very athletic. And with Bosh, Amare & Dwighty all very similar heights (6-10 to 7-0) & styles, they may well pick Chandler & Collison as different looks. And I still wouldn't give them the gold. Sure, the play has improved, but they still...
  21. clarkescards

    Inventory Depleted...

    ... and yet, the 5 pictures of cards in your signature are all UD produced!!! But, good luck getting blood out of that stone, Scotty...
  22. clarkescards

    New GAI Grading Case

    Looks like there is a heap of space for the card to move around in (& get damaged).
  23. clarkescards

    What Card

    For me, I'd like an 04/05 Exquisite Dual Signature Shots Patch of Dwight Howard/Jameer Nelson
  24. clarkescards

    Need a Price or Value on a Card BV $$ ? Ask Here

    Kobe UD Exclusives - $40 ($3 x 12) K-Mart Exqusite JSY - $30
  25. clarkescards

    Absent from the boards for a long time.

    Yeah, your always welcome on the boards, Amanda. Hope one day you can decide to return, and re-ignite your passion for cards.
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