Rodman to Aus. no longer likely

Perth, WA
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Rodman's Australian Cameo Falls Though
September 4, 2007 - 4:27 am
RealGM -
Dennis Rodman's one game cameo for Australian professional team the South Dragons has fallen through.

Rodman was offered $AU80,000 to appear in one exhibition game, but with the season under three weeks away, Dragons chairman Mark Cowan said there was not enough time for the initiative to proceed.

While unable to bring out Rodman on this occasion, Cowan said he was committed to bringing out a similar type of player in the future.
I wouldnt go tho.....

Being in Tassie..

But still, it might be a change of thoughts if I was in Melb.

Even tho, $80K for Rodman? $80K for MJ sure, but Rodman?

What about Bogey??? Luc Longley??? I'm sure Bogey would take the trip for some pocket money.
But this isnt NBA, and he's not playing NBA at the moment.

So it'd only be a charity game, so why not get someone WORTH seeing play in Oz?

I change my mind about Bogey, he wouldnt be allowed to play, under his contract he wouldnt be permitted.
no suprise he isnt going to come so sick of media reports that get your hopes up....grr

the whole Mark Price thing had some hype, then what does shane heal do? him....

godddddd..........they should rename the NBL to "OBL" Oceania Basketball League"....would be so much better.

remember about 10 years ago the NBA told the NBL to change some of the NBL team names cause it was kinda copying them?...
Townsville Suns
South East Melbourne Magic

the NBL has to stop trying to be like them.......did you guys know that the Sydney Kings used to be called the Sydney SuperSonics?

even perth...the wildcats? yeah i wonder where they came up with that!

the local ABA team where i live is even called the Pacers lol.....
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