Transfers 2013/2104 Season

Liverpool owner has said suarez will not be sold this summer at any price. why would you want a unhappy player at your club? it's madness!
Liverpool owner has said suarez will not be sold this summer at any price. why would you want a unhappy player at your club? it's madness!

I hope we sit his disrespectful ass on the bench all year and don't give him a run. I'd like to think Henry is doing it just to say screw you Luis
Liverpool owner has said suarez will not be sold this summer at any price. why would you want a unhappy player at your club? it's madness!
He said he wouldn't sell Torres either, so will see if he's still holding out for more coin or not. Risky keeping Suarez there though I would've thought.
LIVERPOOL FC’s wantaway striker Luis Suarez has been told to train on his own following his explosive interview in The Times and Guardian newspapers, according to the BBC Sports Website.
Brendan Rodgers has been quoted as saying Luis Suarez has shown the club “total disrespect” in relation to his comments that Liverpool FC had allegedly broken a promise made to him during contract re-negotiations last year.
Liverpool are refusing to move from their position that there were no promises made either verbally or written into Luis Suarez’s new contract, with Rodgers saying:
“There were no promises made- categorically none- and no promises broken.”
Rodgers went on to say:
“I will take strong, decisive action, absolutely. I think Luis knows the support he’s had at the football club and that’s something that’s been unswerving throughout the whole of last season.”
One thing that is clear is that Luis Suarez will still try and force the move and he has plans to take the issue to the Premier League in order to force through a move.
Although, Gordon Taylor, chairman of the PFA has confirmed there is no buy-out clause in Suarez’s contract, stating:
“If there is a minimum offer of £40m then the parties will discuss things but it does not say the club has to sell.
“There is a ‘good faith’ clause in relation to serious discussions, but I can’t say it is a cast-iron buy-out clause.”
It now appears this issue will run and run as the weeks countdown until the transfer window closes.

He said he wouldn't sell Torres either, so will see if he's still holding out for more coin or not. Risky keeping Suarez there though I would've thought.

They will sell him, but not to Arsenal, unless they come up with a HUGE amount, in the BALE proportions...
He will end up in either Spain/Germany for a player exchange plus cash is my tip...
They will sell him, but not to Arsenal, unless they come up with a HUGE amount, in the BALE proportions...
He will end up in either Spain/Germany for a player exchange plus cash is my tip...
Maybe. I don't think Arsenal will have to pay the type of money Real want for Bale. If we up our offer to £50m-£55m Liverpool will sell I believe. In saying that, if Real don't work out a deal with Tott*nham for Bale, they'll stump up for Suarez I would've thought.

If Real DO sign Bale, then will Sp*rs use the coin to try and sign Suarez? Maybe, but then it goes back to him wanting to play Champions League.
this is what I don't get. if he has been disrespectful to the club why keep him? a bit of tit for tat it seems
all this bale madness is making it awfully hard to have him in my fantasy side this time round, he was a god last year but what if he leaves...

out of interest, what transfers to the epl this season do you think will out do all expectations?

im not too sure about this season myself, but last year i was excited for liverpool when they got coutinho and he will be a freak this season for them imo.
this is what I don't get. if he has been disrespectful to the club why keep him? a bit of tit for tat it seems
They're showing him, that he can't dictate, he can go, but he will go where it benefits Liverpool, why would they sell to Arsenal who is the major competition to 4th spot along with Spurs..
What happens if he goes to Arsenal and then they finish below 4th this season, does he leave them as well???
that's true. selling him to the competiton makes them stronger. apart from PSG, Real and Barca there's not that many big spenders willing to fork out 50 million pound. maybe Monaco but they've just spent a heap on Falcao. City and Chelski are big spenders but as you say will Liverpool sell him to another EPL side? time will tell
Because outside of old man Gerrard, Liverpool don't have an abundance of quality. Suarez is the best player they have by far.

Wait until you see Igor Aspas play this year, guy is a gun and has looked awesome in the pre season games. He and Coutinho are gonna surprise a lot of people this season.
its always good to see how your clubs new signings go. also good to see how players who are new to the premiere league go as well. looking forward to see Paulinho play for Tottenham. I think the Spanish players like Negredo and Soldado will be class. I cant wait for the season to begin.
Yeah im keen too see soldado paulinho, fernandinho, navas, jovetic, schurlle

Few good signings there mostly city and tottenham but ohwell will just be interesting to see if they can cut it in the epl
schurlle scored a nice volley in a pre season game. I think most of the new arrivals will be very good. gees its hard to pick the champions this coming season. wonder who will be the first manager to be sacked? im going with sparky hughes