NRL Rumour Mill Thread (Spoilers)

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Ok, just realised the video is on ninemsn, had a look, and it certainly looked bad, particularly after the girl turned around. But I still maintain after watching it, that I see stuff like that most weekends at pubs/night-clubs. If everyone who done that (and he certainly looked like an obnoxious drunk in the video) got jail-time, we'd be forever building more jails. Hell, under Cambell Newman, people MIGHT be getting jail-time for this or lesser if he gets his way. But for what happens in general SOCIETY, I couldn't send a man/woman to jail for that... I'll also add in THAT portion of the video, I didn't see the "thigh/crotch-grab, but both parties seem to agree something like that happened, so fair enough. I WAS more put off by seeing what I wasn't sure was him leaning forward to SPIT on her, or was it to try and plant a kiss on her? The footage is pretty grainy, but either way it looked hostile, and seemed to be what escalated things, and was my major turn-off from the vid...
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I mean, earlier tonight on ACA/Today Tonight, (one of those trashy shows), we saw a guy who raped his girlfriend and tried to choke her to death get 4 years or something? WHere's THAT justice? Can't just throw the book at someone coz they're famous, then go limp-wristed at someone because they had "issues" and they're a nobody...
You probably should read the full story re: Blake Ferguson

Despite claiming he only touched the upper thigh of the woman in a case of mistaken identity, Ferguson was found guilty of grabbing her vagina under her skirt at the 2230 nightclub.


However Magistrate Jacqueline Trad rejected his story, saying there was no evidence to support it and, in any case, he showed no regard for the woman's consent.

He took "no steps whatsoever to consider whether consent was being given and in that sense, he was reckless," she said.

and seeing as you raised mental illness

Ferguson's lawyer, Adam Houda, asked for the sentencing to be adjourned to allow for an assessment on mental health issues, which he said had been raised by Ferguson moments before the judgment.

The court heard Ferguson had struggled to deal with fame after being catapulted into professional rugby league after troubled upbringing.

He went to six schools and was raised by his step-grandparents because his parents were drug addicts.

"It was quite difficult getting, basically, girls thrown at me," he said. "I still haven't ... come to terms with all the attention with, like, photos and signatures and all that."
But I still maintain after watching it, that I see stuff like that most weekends at pubs/night-clubs.

That doesn't excuse it though, and this is why Blake will probably be made an example of. His case will draw a higher profile, and it'll be used to highlight that this sort of behaviour IS criminal despite the blasé attitudes some parts of society hold, and they'll hope to change those attitudes. I mean, ultimately groping in a pub is no different to groping at the pool or on public transport.

A lot of these instances do go unreported because woman aren't in the position of power, and they either don't want to cause a problem, think no one will believe them or it becomes such a regular occurrence they try to cope with it. But lately more effort and awareness is being generated to bring down this so called "rape culture" in society.

And of course there are also woman that invite that sort of attention and consent to it (ie your raffle girls, at our local you look but don't dare touch). But ultimately, that's not really this case with what Ferguson did.

With all that said, I don't think he'll get jail time and I don't think its an offence that generally warrants it. Likely he'll get community service or a suspended sentence and court ordered counselling.
I don't recall saying anything about Ferguson deserving jail time. My comment was, I doubt he will do time for that'. That is fine but for the record we are talking the higher end of a sexual /indecent assault as Ferguson touched the victim's vagina. In QLD indecent - sexual assault carries 10 year maximum, I imagine NSW isn't too far off. A suspended sentence or immediate parole with no actual time served will be the likely sentence.

I have I doubt he will try every trick under the sun to have his final sentence discounted, after all that is his silks (lawyer) job.

My biggest issue is that he has forfeited his right to a discounted sentence by pleading not guilty, electing for a trial and then being found guilty. When things were slipping away he tried for sympathy by claiming he didn't know any better and struggled to deal with fame and when all else failed he tried the old mistake of fact defence which I am glad the judge saw through.

Despite the fact that this maybe be common on the drink I am glad this victim stood up and made a complaint and that common sense prevailed.

I do agree with your rant on leniant sentencing for serious and / or violent crimes though Axeman, the courts are very soft but jail time is considered a last resort under the relevant statute. I don't agree with it and I sure as hell wouldn't want to be a victim of a serious crime these days but it is a hole society in general has dug for themselves.
I don't recall saying anything about Ferguson deserving jail time. My comment was, I doubt he will do time for that'. That is fine but for the record we are talking the higher end of a sexual /indecent assault as Ferguson touched the victim's vagina. In QLD indecent - sexual assault carries 10 year maximum, I imagine NSW isn't too far off. A suspended sentence or immediate parole with no actual time served will be the likely sentence.

I have I doubt he will try every trick under the sun to have his final sentence discounted, after all that is his silks (lawyer) job.

My biggest issue is that he has forfeited his right to a discounted sentence by pleading not guilty, electing for a trial and then being found guilty. When things were slipping away he tried for sympathy by claiming he didn't know any better and struggled to deal with fame and when all else failed he tried the old mistake of fact defence which I am glad the judge saw through.

Despite the fact that this maybe be common on the drink I am glad this victim stood up and made a complaint and that common sense prevailed.

I do agree with your rant on leniant sentencing for serious and / or violent crimes though Axeman, the courts are very soft but jail time is considered a last resort under the relevant statute. I don't agree with it and I sure as hell wouldn't want to be a victim of a serious crime these days but it is a hole society in general has dug for themselves.

I agree with everything you said there, assuming they DO have him on camera, CLEARLY going for a crotch-squeeze, rather than the clumsy grope that ninemsn's video showed. He was found guilty, so you'd hope said vision WAS there to be presented. I just didn't see it on that snippet on the site, and I hardly think any news site can be accused of with-holding footage that will cause maximum stir/effect.

And yes, if it was as cut-and-dried as that, he should've just copped his punishment. I just think context can be everything in a case like this, which you don't get in a 90 second clip.
The other thing to consider is that the CCTV on Nine MSN would only be a copy from the club. The CCTV relied by Police as evidence would have been cleaned up to make the images better as well as still images of important frames being presented to the court.

Footage aside the reaction of both Ferguson and the victim after the shows it is much more than an upper thigh grab. The burden of proof for the prosecution in a criminal proceeding is beyond reasonable doubt which is a very high burden and for the Magistrate to rule the Police had met that burden then there would have been alot more evidence than the grainy CCTV you saw.
While I don't condone what this goose did I should remind people that South of the Border there is a prominent recently retired AFL player that is currently on a much higher sexual assault charge yet people are sympathetic to him, in NSW the former Canberra player probably won't see any Gaol (Jail) time but the whole thing reeks of double standards.
An absolute $%%^wit tries to go the grope when it was unwelcome while a Victorian female has being trying for 10 years to seek justice for what occurred to her, remember the AFL player manager caught with the under age girl, down South it's just the good old boys having fun while here we get serious with people who run amok and think they are above the law, justice will be served but which state will get it right.
Rumor mill hit overdrive last night. Kennedy apparently set to cop a 1 Year ban. Hoffman to the dogs apparently done after we came to terms with kHunt for 2014. Broncos 90% sure Milford will play for us in 2014 and Smith officially signed for 2015. Players and staff all informed yesterday and announcments all to be made before xmas in hopes of driving up membership numbers and merch sales.
Rumor mill hit overdrive last night. Kennedy apparently set to cop a 1 Year ban. Hoffman to the dogs apparently done after we came to terms with kHunt for 2014. Broncos 90% sure Milford will play for us in 2014 and Smith officially signed for 2015. Players and staff all informed yesterday and announcments all to be made before xmas in hopes of driving up membership numbers and merch sales.
I heard from the mouth of Josh Reynolds that Hoffman was a possibility when I asked him who will play in the #1 jersey for the Dogs in 2014
Rumor mill hit overdrive last night. Kennedy apparently set to cop a 1 Year ban. Hoffman to the dogs apparently done after we came to terms with kHunt for 2014. Broncos 90% sure Milford will play for us in 2014 and Smith officially signed for 2015. Players and staff all informed yesterday and announcments all to be made before xmas in hopes of driving up membership numbers and merch sales.
Stoked to hear this news :)
Rumor mill hit overdrive last night. Kennedy apparently set to cop a 1 Year ban. Hoffman to the dogs apparently done after we came to terms with kHunt for 2014. Broncos 90% sure Milford will play for us in 2014 and Smith officially signed for 2015. Players and staff all informed yesterday and announcments all to be made before xmas in hopes of driving up membership numbers and merch sales.
As a Dog's fan, I'd feel MUCH better about their off-season if they DO manage to get Hoffman this year! Beofre this news, the talent going OUT outweighed what were were GAINING fairly significantly, IMO. I've always liked Hoffman as a player, and with him being a Kiwi rep player, it keeps with their usual practice of targetting talent that WILL be available during the Origin period. Definately a solid move...
Rumor mill hit overdrive last night. Kennedy apparently set to cop a 1 Year ban. Hoffman to the dogs apparently done after we came to terms with kHunt for 2014. Broncos 90% sure Milford will play for us in 2014 and Smith officially signed for 2015. Players and staff all informed yesterday and announcments all to be made before xmas in hopes of driving up membership numbers and merch sales.

Milford turned up to Raiders HQ today. Still 3 months until round 1 though...

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