When are we going to see more autos of.....

Good refs/umps should not influence the outcomes of games and therefore the best ones are un-seen and unknown. No ref auto's PLEASE!
justdabestcards said:
Good refs/umps should not influence the outcomes of games and therefore the best ones are un-seen and unknown. No ref auto's PLEASE!

In a perfect world a bit of yes and no. I know that i'm going to argue with a more experianced well known ref than some guy that I don't know. I know where i stand with most refs i know and how far I can push it or what aproach to take.

We can't be all like those in Tassie clocking up the techs [-X

Guys like Ed Rush and Garretson have been stalwarts of the league and are characters. They have done a lot for the league over the years. Maybe when those two or a few others retire then we can have a double auto of them?? Would that be ok with ya Just? #-o
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