Progressive Serial Numbers

Presuming a 237 ‘reserve’…

And now…weighing in at 238…


I have a 240. Not much point in going beyond 250. Hopefully, there are some in the 240's out there.
As far as this challenge goes as an individual, I have found a 100/# which would complete my run to from 1/# to 100/#, but unfortunately, it is on COMC being sold by a big German Pippen collector, who always has MEM (or basically anything else) priced super high and this is no exception (he hardly ever replies on IG - I've been waiting for 6 months since he last sent me a message). I am looking 100/# on new listings, but it probably won't happen. A good way to finish would be a nice PMG red of Pippen 100/100 🤔
Be cool to see this keep going and how high in numbers we can get..

Have dug out a few McDyess cards ready for use in 200's plus I got some beauties in the 300's. still need to check my Covingtons
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