Over 100 Bogeyman autos and some D Rose love.

u could do 10 easy yeah? the amount of panini parallels you'll have em in a month!

94 pip autos..want 100 by the end of the year

Yeah I have about half a dozen at the moment but want top end proper 1/1's

nice work mate still cant believe they didnt make a Bogut silo

Yeah I couldn't believe it I really wanted one.
CAN NOT BELIEVE IT! Would have been beautiful.

Congrats Brett, it's a beautiful collection thus far. Kicking my arse, I'm like 15 autos behind you!

Thanks mate Got a Very nice Exquisite coming in too Plus about 10 more autos on the way, pushing me out to 110ish now. When I get more time to work on my collection rather than the webstore I'll show you them all.
Bogut domination 10 1/1's.
How many Pippen autos do you have?

I have a couple I could be persuaded to swap/sell

Let me know if u looking around...

Has that beauty arrived yet?? And is it as good in tr flesh?
Wow good work Brett, i love especially the membership patch and also the Rose prefered