I just lost my job....

Benny J

Mr Big Shot...
Real Name
eBay User
Well...to say i am in shock is an understatement. Showed up Thursday morning for my first day back after having a baby.....and wham....asked to leave....effective immediatley.

Was given no good reason...and no warning what so ever. Still shocked and quite upset about the whole thing. I was informed by the General Sales Manager and cant get the Dealer Principal to contact me....so i still dont know the full story. :(:(:(

Couldnt have happened at a worse time...just gone to one wage....and just had a baby....so now i have an extra mouth to feed and no money coming in.

Sorry for the whinge....just had to get it off my chest....:blink:

Benny J
Sorry to hear it mate, hopefully u can find something very soon. I know how u feel tho, i'm the only 1 working in my house and have a missus and 2 kids to feed. Its hard ya just have to keep ya head up.
B**tards thats horrible, sorry to hear.

are you part of a union or anything?

anyone you know at work able to give you more details?
Man sorry to hear.
Well...to say i am in shock is an understatement. Showed up Thursday morning for my first day back after having a baby.....and wham....asked to leave....effective immediatley.

Was given no good reason...and no warning what so ever. Still shocked and quite upset about the whole thing. I was informed by the General Sales Manager and cant get the Dealer Principal to contact me....so i still dont know the full story. :(:(:(

Couldnt have happened at a worse time...just gone to one wage....and just had a baby....so now i have an extra mouth to feed and no money coming in.

Sorry for the whinge....just had to get it off my chest....:blink:

Benny J
What a lowlife company..
A valid reason for dismissal is the least you expect..
Im sure youll get a new AND BETTER job shortly matie..:thumbsup:
Sorry to her, i know my apologies won't change much, but been through hard times too, and helps to have mates around. If you need any help, lmk. Good luck champ, we're here for you.
Keep your chin high mate. Stick it up to them and ask for a valid reason.

If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.
That certainly sounds like a bad day Benny. I would think they need to give you notice and a reason for dismissal though.

I'll put my hand up to send you a coles myer card to get babby stuff mate. My two fury kids can go onto home brand cat food for a week or so for the good of you and the youngun.
keep your head up mate, things will get better you just have to work through them! All the best with everything
U have a case my friend they can not sack on the spot unless they are a very small business from what i have gathered you work in a Car dealer ship???By sayuing the Dealer principal , i would be talking to some legal advisor mate Because you def have a case don't let them go show them your teeth mate.
Well...to say i am in shock is an understatement. Showed up Thursday morning for my first day back after having a baby.....and wham....asked to leave....effective immediatley.

Was given no good reason...and no warning what so ever. Still shocked and quite upset about the whole thing. I was informed by the General Sales Manager and cant get the Dealer Principal to contact me....so i still dont know the full story. :(:(:(

Couldnt have happened at a worse time...just gone to one wage....and just had a baby....so now i have an extra mouth to feed and no money coming in.

Sorry for the whinge....just had to get it off my chest....:blink:

Benny J

You're not whinging at all Benny... Sad to hear... I mysellf is jobless at the moment but am hoping to get one soon.

Hope everything gets better to you and your family soon... :thumbsup:
Benny, thats awful......if an employer is poor enough to do that to you, then you deserve better.

I have a mate who was in a similar situation to you. He had just had his first child and was basically told to quit or be sacked when he went back to work.

It allowed him to spend some time at home with his wife and bub and within a week had found a new higher paying job, closer to home and it allowed him to see more of his wife and baby.

I'm sure that someone like yourself who seems to come across as an ok guy, would have no trouble finding another job quickly. If you want to work, you will find it!

From experience, these situations usually work themselves out, it always does but for the time being go and look at your beautiful baby and think about what really is great in life.

If you need anything at all, dont hesitate to let me know!

Thanks a lot guys....your words mean more than you know!!

I have finally spoken to the dealer principal (DP) since i posted this thread....seems it wasnt premeditated and the General Sales Manager (GSM) just had it in for me....you know....on a power trip with the big dog away. I have also heard from one of the other managers there and it seems he has had it in for me for some time now?? :blink:

I am meeting with the DP tomorrow to discuss everything...needless to say i wont be going back...even if it is offered....but it will feel good to get some of this stuff off my chest....

I have also been offered another job since i first posted, with a Finance Broking (what i used to do) firm in town. Sounds very promising....and best of all....no weekend work! :D:D......best of all...he came to me....great timing huh!!

Thanks again for the words of encouragement guys....means heaps....it has certainly helped getting some of this stuff off my chest.


Benny J

P.S - Dont worry with the CM voucher Chad.....we will survive!! THANKS ANYWAY!!!
so sorry to hear that benny!:(

it's never a good time to have this happen!

keep ya head up high mate and things will happen for ya!:thumbsup:

cheers mate!
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