I just lost my job....

There ya go....as 1 door closes another door opens..
Well done...hope the new job goes well for ya:thumbsup:
So what came from this Benny??

Oh....shoudl have updated.

But honestly....not much to report. Rang him to arrange the time for us to meet....he never phoned back. :rolleyes:

I am honestly over it....if they arent willing to return calls (2nd time this has happened in the last 2 days), then why would i want to work for them.

I went in the on Saturday to pick up some stuff, and when i was walking in....i thought "gees i am glad i dont work here anymore"....:thumbsup:

What this has done is allow me to spend heaps more time with my new family....and i am loving every minute of it....except maybe 1 or 2 minutes at 2:30am last night when we (or he) hadnt been to sleep yet....:cry::blink::rolleyes:


Benny J
Were you full time mate?

Surely you would be entitled to full benefits, etc if they sacked you? Bastards!!

Glad you're on top of things tho mate, that's great!

Yeah permanent full time...I will be paid my final 2 weeks and my holiday pay.

Toying with the idea of the "unfair dismissal" case....but wondering if it is worth it??
know how you feel its happened to me a few times, they sack ya when ever they want and don't even have to give you an explanation either, sorry to hear, hope things work out for you, think positive, hope things are well with your bub
seeing its permanent full time, i think you got a chance with the unfair dismissal if it was part time i wouldn't bother but seeing its full time i would have a go
Just enjoy your time with your new family :thumbsup: and think about the job situation after a couple of weeks or so... Not worth thinking about that kind of employer... Have a break and enjoy your time with the new additiion!
As far as I know of, the industry rules/regulations could be different, but unless there was any misconduct from your side of things, they cannot simply sack you.

Unfair dismissal would be good, go see a quack for depression.... you should also be entitled to an extra 2 weeks pay (if paid fortnightly) as no previous notification of redundancy.

My spelling may be off here, lol.

GL Benny!
Sorry to hear Benny, it certainly leaves you feeling empty.

I know the feeling all to well as I got put off at the end of June this year and at the time I was supporting my wife who was working part time and 4 kids.

Keep your chin up and hopefully something comes your way soon.
So...I havent updated this for a while.

I have a JOB!!!

Chaz and I have decided that we are going to move back to EMerald to be closer to our families. This has also given me the opportunity to seek a job in the local mines out there. I have been employed by a local contractor to do some labouring at the local mine Crinum. The mine is run BMA.

The money is great and the shift work also means you really only work half the year!!

Such a relief....but to be perfectly honest, it has been great to be able to be at home with Hayden for the first 2 months of his life!!


Benny J
Actually, lets be positive and I think it worked out well for you man, as its only once in your life that you get to spend time with your newborn .... you can always find work! Plus you supported your wife ... so its good =)

Well done man!
Great to hear benny. Really glad this worked out for you. New baby and no money coming in would have been a bit scary.

very happy for you and your family mate :)


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