2013/14 Ashes non Official thread !!

Well I guess that was fairly predictable hey?

Again, England win the big moments in the Test match. Compare the pre-lunch sessions on day 3 (where Australia collapsed) and day 4 (where England hit out freely) as just one example.

Sliding doors moments - if we add another 60 in the first innings, if we bowl them out earlier yesterday..............

As much as he is to sportsmanship and fair play what Sir Robert Helpmann was to Oxy Welding, you have to begrudgingly admire Stuart Broad......sort of :)
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How did the Aussies manage to pull defeat from the jaws of victory....?? Warner and Rogers both looked in total control, England were bowling too short, then whammo, the bowlers got their act together, and down the plughole we went.
Yep, Broad did good in the end. First spell was tosh, but he somehow sorted it out and was inspired - and got a couple in the 90's - haven't seen anyone do that for a few Tests. Aussies were owned, sorry to say.
My fave Aussie - Watto - (not....) was a total peanut. He's as predictable as a Graeme Wood/Rick Darling runout mix up.:confused:
Plays across a straight one once again. wasted a review - once again. Gee, how much are we paying him and more to the point, how much are we paying our coaching staff?? FAIL :mad:
Well done Poms, but I hope the Aussies snag the last one for a 3-1, that was my call before the tour :)
I went to bed at about 1/140ish and woke up to this abomination?!
I'm surprised pommiealex isn't in here gloating.

Where do we go to from here? Look at Rogers, 35 and shows so much respect for the baggy green and the opportunity he has been given.
Where are the rest of the players that feel the same?
Is it all about the dollars these days. I'm still in shock, waking up to the news this morning, FARKING DISGRACEFUL!

I want to burn my gabba tickets...
Before the final Test of the 1972 Ashes series at The Oval, Ian Chappell told his players that "I can't tell people that we are as good a side as England if we don't draw the series" - Australia went on to win the Test by five wickets, drew the series 2-2 and it marked the turning point for Australian cricket.

In my lifetime, this next Test is as important to win as any away Test the Australian team has played - comparable to Antigua 1999 vs West Indies (Steve Waugh's first series as Captain), Nagpur in 2004 (The "last frontier" win) and even Johannesburg 2011 (following our 47 all out at Cape Town).

To borrow a line from my boyhood hero Dermott Brereton (ok......I still love him!), this is the line in the sand game. No Australian team has ever lost four Ashes Tests in England.....this current Australian team, since the start of our Summer, has won 3 of 14 Tests, and those 3 were won consecutively against Sri Lanka.

Darren Lehmann has warned that careers may end when this series concludes.

So f**k Stuart Broad, f**k the time-wasting tactics, f**k the DRS, f**k the rain...............CHAAAAAARGE!
I don't care how bad Australia's cricketers are, f*** England*.

* In cricket that is. As the Australian born son of an English immigrant (mind you that was 1972), and a dual passport holder myself, I actually love most things about England...EXCEPT THEIR BLOODY CRICKET TEAM. NEVER!!!

CHARRRRRRRRRRGE!!! My fking oath son. My fking oath! Get some bloody ANZAC spirit up yers.

Get Jeff Thomson in there:

“I thought: 'stuff that stiff upper lip crap. Let's see how stiff it is when it's split' ”

And there's this:
Thommo by contrast told a single story ("I haven't done this one for a while...") which was about the dismissal of Keith Fletcher at Sydney in 1975.

"Me and Dennis had a plan," he began, "which was to kill the pricks. A couple of them had already gone to the hospital. A wicket goes down and out comes this little prick Fletcher ("prick", it quickly became apparent, was a term of some endearment to Thommo, and he used it gently, almost with fondness).

"Now, the Pavilion at Sydney is at square leg and Dennis is fielding at third man. I'm at the end of my run and I'm ready to kill the prick you know. But Dennis comes running over from third man all the way to square leg and starts abusing Fletcher. I'm getting mad with Dennis because I'm ready you know. I'm warm and it's coming out well...."

"Then Dennis comes running over to me. "I'm like: 'Yeah Dennis, I know the plan. Kill him'..."

"Yeah," says Dennis. "But I really want you to kill this little prick..." Then he ran back down to third man. Anyway, first ball, too high. Next ball, adjust the radar... bang... hits him right in the middle of the forehead. Absolutely smack in the middle. I go down to have a look at him and he's got the most perfect six stitch-marks..."

Thommo pointed to the spot on his own forehead, and paused for a second, a faraway look in his eyes. He was transporting himself. "The physio comes on, Bernie Thomas he was called. Fletcher's staggering all over the place, he can't see straight. Someone says, 'He'll have to go off...' and Bernie says, 'he can't we've already got two in the hospital...' So Bernie pushes him back to the crease..."

He mimed Bernie Thomas positioning Fletcher into his stance. By now, Thommo was wiping tears of mirth from his eyes. Everyone in the tent was enjoying the story, and more than that, they were enjoying Thommo's enjoyment of it. He paused.

"So I go back..." He wiped his eyes again. "I go back and you know next ball, BLAM, stumps all over the place. 'Off you go you little prick...' I'm saying, and then, here comes Dennis, all the way back up from third man, just to abuse him again as he goes off..."

By now, Thommo was rocking back on his heels and dabbing at his eyes. "Ah bloody hell..." he said. "That's what happened, straight up. I haven't told that one for a while, I really haven't."
Looking forward to the home summer (the "return leg" if you like), which players do you believe should be considered certainties/locks for the 'Gabba Test?

It worries me that the selectors STILL are unsure of what our top six should be.

For mine, the only certainties would be Rogers, Clarke, Haddin, Siddle, Harris and Lyon. That is not to denigrate Bird, Starc or Pattinson in any way - for example we would probably play the four quicks at the WACA.

James Failkner could be a real wildcard I think, I am pleased that he is getting a run at The Oval.
Not just any hundred, 6 to bring up his maiden hundred! He's looked good this series, has shown some fight unlike some others. And not Haddin gets out to Trott...
Not just any hundred, 6 to bring up his maiden hundred! He's looked good this series, has shown some fight unlike some others. And not Haddin gets out to Trott...

He really has improved a lot as a cricketer, now hopefully him and faulkner can kick on
Despite being down 3-0 we have been very competitive in all tests aside from Lords.

Could have won the first, should have won the third but the rain saved the Poms and had that terrible collapse in the 4th!

Big positives for me are Ryan Harris playing 4 consecutive matches, easily our best bowler when fit and a few of our batsmen starting to show some true test match grit with decent innings.

By the way Cook is the most boring captain and batsmen ever!!!!

Bring on our Aussie summer!!
I may have been very, very wrong about Steve Smith. He has become a different player since his 92 at Mohali against India and he now has 5 x 50's and 1 x 100 from 23 innings, with another handful of useful scores as well.

If he and Faulkner (who I think is destined for stardom) can be consistent contributors, I'd keep Watson at No. 3 permanantly.

A line up of Warner, Rogers, Watson, Clarke, --------, Smith, Faulkner, Haddin (there is still the No. 5 position that worries me, unless Hughes comes in to bat at 4 and Clarke moves down one) has a bit of steel about it I think.
Looking forward to the home summer (the "return leg" if you like), which players do you believe should be considered certainties/locks for the 'Gabba Test?

It worries me that the selectors STILL are unsure of what our top six should be.

For mine, the only certainties would be Rogers, Clarke, Haddin, Siddle, Harris and Lyon. That is not to denigrate Bird, Starc or Pattinson in any way - for example we would probably play the four quicks at the WACA.

James Failkner could be a real wildcard I think, I am pleased that he is getting a run at The Oval.

Rogers has shown how well suited he is to test cricket, biggest mistake Aus ever made was sacking Katich. They have no idea how important it is to take the shine off the new ball.

I'm still unimpressed by Watson, but if he can bowl, he stays, as soon as he stops bowling, I think he's out.

Warner is improved and is so good in the field and should stay.

I think we need an express quick. If Pattinson is out then I'd happily give Mitch Johnson a go over Starc. Both are similar but Mitch can clean up.

I really like Bird but with Harris and Siddle doing the job, there's no need to have a similar type of bowler.

Lyon should just not be left out again. the guy has done nothing wrong, he's not at the class of Swann yet but he is a solid test spin bowler. Let him develop.

I think the Aussies should stick with Hughes. In saying that, If we have Smith, Warner and Hughes in the side, they are just so inconsistent.

I'd like to see S. Marsh get a go. He brings X factor and reminds me of K.P. Hard to believe that K.P is Englands ALL TIME top run scorer in tests and one dayers. Incredible.

1st test at the Gabba should line up as (if healthy):

Rogers (solid)
Warner (has improved a lot and can take the game away from the poms)
Watson (he's not gonna get dropped after his best score)
Clarke (had only one good knock and will probably lead runs back home easily)
Smith (should get thrown the ball more often)

I'd like to have a left armer in there, but hard to leave out those guys. Pattinson has been our best bar this series.

I honestly think one of the young NSW batsmen need to go. Just too risky, we need one more solid batter, Marsh ma not be it but I think he is a test class batsmen.

I have 100% faith we will win back here:)
Congrats to the Poms for the 3-0 result, and had they had the time to bat another 15 minutes at The Oval, it'd have been 4-0....
Got this from a UK friend, love their humour!!

To the tune of Dont Cry For Me Argentina

Don't cry for me Darren Lehmann,

The truth is I knew I nicked it,

But like an Aussie, I stood and waited.

The finger stayed down, how well I faked it!
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