Pokémon GO Discussion and picture thread

Has anyone managed to get their game updated yet?
On the play store it shows as updated September 10.
I have reinstalled the game 3 times in the last 2 days all to no avail. Who do we have to kill to get this update going?

i know... i want the buddy system so badly. need to walk around with chansey and stockpile 50 candies for blissey
From what I have seen from people that have downloaded the rebel apk file, 1 candy = 5km walk, seems a bit harsh to me.

yeah everyone in the states has it, i've seen on the silph road that everyone bar us seems to be playing the updated version. and yeah chansey looks like one of the 5km pokemon along with lapras and snorlax but charmanders are 2kms i think. theres a chart on the sliph road
yeah everyone in the states has it, i've seen on the silph road that everyone bar us seems to be playing the updated version. and yeah chansey looks like one of the 5km pokemon along with lapras and snorlax but charmanders are 2kms i think. theres a chart on the sliph road
Ah nice, that chart is spot on. Silph Road is a great resource, unfortunately I think I am the only one on the coast here reporting nests etc.
I plan on starting with my 95 IV Charmeleon, wanna work up to a really nice Charizard.
Very interested to see that Pikachu is only 1km per candy, he might be next on the list, followed by geodude.
142/142 FINISHED THE AUSSIE POKEDEX!!! :kick::kick::kick:

Glad that's over.

for those interested


Pokemon Go Plus preorders start tomorrow.

Holy crap, well done!!!

I'm still yet to see the update, too. I also read that people with rooted/bricked phones are copping bans??

Certainly hope that's NOT the case, my phone is rooted. I don't have the non-authentic/store APK, wonder if that's the difference maker?!

Had bugger all hunting lately, but managed 2 Eevee's at work today, plus a Scyther on the way home, and also another Charmander, too!!

Oh and another Magnemite, so that puts me closer to evolving him.
Reading on Facey a few have gotten the update?!

My app has gone to shit today, since getting to work, it's been on "GPS signal not found".

I did get it to work on the way to work, catching another Nidoran and grabbing some Stops.
Reading on Facey a few have gotten the update?!

My app has gone to s*** today, since getting to work, it's been on "GPS signal not found".

I did get it to work on the way to work, catching another Nidoran and grabbing some Stops.
There are a couple of sites that have the APK file to download, get caught using it and you will get banned.
As far as I can see, nobody has the legit update in Aus yet.
Trainer Tips on youtube did a video on the new update today.
Got my update, but now I'm blocked out of the app as my phone is Rooted (Android).

APPARENTLY there's ways around this, so I'm going to look into it. I am getting a new(ish) phone soon, but no PGo whilst I'm fixing/transitioning.
I'm on a local page on Facey, and reading a LOT of folks used the APK installer and got it early.

Also there seems to be a lot of posts on that page referring to GPS Spoofers taking Gyms and also activating lures on stops in known nests, etc.... wonder how they're doing now....
Got my update, but now I'm blocked out of the app as my phone is Rooted (Android).

APPARENTLY there's ways around this, so I'm going to look into it. I am getting a new(ish) phone soon, but no PGo whilst I'm fixing/transitioning.
Sorry to hear bro, I got my old Galaxy S5 sitting here if that is any good to ya.

also got the update. and thanks to heavy traffic on the m4 this morning i am 3.1kms / 5km into my journey to one chansey candy.
Was so happy to see the update ready to roll this morning.
Sorry to hear bro, I got my old Galaxy S5 sitting here if that is any good to ya.

Cheers bud. I'm getting a work phone soon, just some internal policy we have, that you're eligible for the previous model iPhone - so technically that's the 5 (good lucky finding one to buy), and I chose to wait until the 7 was out so I could get the 6. Just a technicality on waiting times.

Hopefully all sorted in a few days.

I have an iPad at home, but not practical to take with me all places.

I was going to pinch the Wifey's phone and go for a hunt, but the weather has turned to shit in Tassie, pissing with rain, and blowing it's arse off.
Added 6 new Pokemon this week after a bit of a slow down. Hooray!

Charmeleon (caught it wild)

More importantly the end of my street is now a charmander nest so I'll be able to rack up the candy pretty fast!
Very nice mate, I am still trying to find a Charmander nest here on the coast.
Have Charmeleon set as my Buddy ... but 1 x candy every 3 kms is going to be a long slow grind.
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