Jordan Mailday


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So over the last couple of months I have been buying more Michael Jordan cards than usual. I typically buy between 1-3 a year but lately I have been buying that much in a month. Now I'm gonna take a little break because I gotta pay college tuition and can't really spend money on cards. But here is the first card I picked up this summer.

Now the second I saw this card I wanted it because I had never seen a michael jordan booklet card where he wasn't with another player. So I was fortunate enough to win this card and I love this card. The only pain with this card is getting a case for it, so until I get one made for it i keep it closed in the case it was shipped in.

The second card I picked up I got luckily for what I think is a cheap price. I have been intrigued by the design of the 03 04 black diamond cards since they came out. I remember when they came out that year my mom and dad bought me a box of them. Unfortunately I didn't pull a michael jordan but I did however pull a LeBron James triple diamond gold /50. But this is the double diamond Jordan Jersey 105/250.


After I got this card I decided I was going to try and get the rest of the set and here is what I have so far.


Base 183


Bronze Base 71/100


Triple Diamond 17/100


Single Diamond Gold 27/100


Triple Diamond Gold 27/50

Thats all I have so far of the set but I also picked up this card.


and heres my entire Michael Jordan Memorabilia Card Collection

Thanks for looking
Great collection you have there mate - grab that ultimate leadership auto and finish that mini set off!!!
Great job on the MJ gu collection, the play book gu look swcchhheettt!!! =D>
Haven't even seen those booklets before - sweet pickup - keep growing that collection!
Great collection you have there mate - grab that ultimate leadership auto and finish that mini set off!!!
Thanks and I've been trying to find the ultimate leadership auto and the last one that went up on ebay i didn't win and was bought by christophe2m6 who is collecting the entire set. So if anyone has the ultimate auto and is looking to sell it I am very interested.
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