Topps Star Wars Card Trader App ?

Hey Guys,
Downloaded it last night (you would have got my add) Im DAPPERJMC.

Im opening some packs and just imagining how stoked Id be if it was a in-hand card! Then seeing the recent box breaks of the new SW cards and thinking that I wouldnt be chill with those real cards. A bit mixed up me thinks.
Yeah, even now some sell out very quickly...I've only been doing this for a fortnight and have already pulled 14 cards that have sold out since...and not all small count releases either, some are 5,000's or more...
True, but at 1/15 for those 5,000 means there's another 70,000 packs that didn't have that insert in it...then the same for the next released insert tomorrow...they must be pumping through the packs !

Tried hard to get some more "Moments Edge" inserts today as I like the look of them, but didn't hit anything after a bunch of packs. Did snag a Salacious Crumb from a single pack buy of a Jabba pack though. Always nice to snag one in the very first pack you buy!
Every box of Journey To the Force Awakens had two redemption codes in them...they're only for a boba fett base pack, but that's a 15 card pack and with a chance of an insert, so worth it for nix!
Good to see lots of people taking this up
Im sirblackadder will add everyone .
have lots of spare cards
I've been at it for a few months now. It was a lot of fun on the 77's chase. Still need heaps. I haven't done any trading yet, mainly due to a lack of time from fantasy football, ebay, clash of clans, huddle etc, etc, and the odd day at work. You can add me if you want- edygriff21 and I'm also on huddle (the NFL equivalent) - EDGRIFFITHS