Too many forums!

Totally does!

Hey, I just tried using the expand/contract arrows for the other sections (non-basketball) but they only stay that way once. If I visit another thread, and go back (clicking on the link) up the top, they come back...

It's working now.... don't mind me. :rolleyes:
i like the new look guys:)
the only thing that i kinda don't like is the fact the 'Trading' and 'For Sale' sections are together now for basketball, i like the old way coz you if you post a thread it stays on the first page longer if people don't post on it....
not a big deal though so either way is cool:)
keep up the great job guys:thumbsup:
Re: How about ...

Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Everyone knows how picky i am but how about - Football talk and NBA/NBL going into the relevant sections now to tidy things up?

What are the thoughts on this one ? Should we move the talk sections into their relevant subsections ?
Sounds logical to me, but also I find it easier to navigate to the top threads, rather than working my way down the page. But that's only cos I'm lazy. lol.

Probably would look better in their own sections.
I just dont like the bit with the traiding of basketball cards and selling joined because it gets bombarded now and if your only looking for one or the other , but I guess thats just me and im a never change person
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