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Hi all,

I'm not a new member, I was around here back in around 2011-13.

I haven't really done any collecting since my daughter was born in 2012. But getting back into it now.
Mostly Baseball and AFL. But like Hockey and movie/tv show cards too. Went in a case break here in 2012 for Game of Thrones. Amazing.

Anyway do people still do that here? group buy a case and share out the boxes? Because I'm keen. Especially with these bounties going out and causing boxes to skyrocket in price.
Welcome back! I remember you.

Similarly I was active in that same period and came back late last year.

OzCT isn't quite as active as it was then, think a lot of us dropped off for various reasons (myself, it all got too expensive with the dropping dollar and rising shipping costs). A lots changed in the hobby, but there's still a couple of talking Hockey & Baseball.

Haven't seen many case shares, only one I've noticed is the NRL Traders one RedTorana put up.
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