TheCardFrog's Mailday 25/06/09


Non-Sports Cards
Adelaide, S.A.
Real Name
Justin Gray
eBay User
I am a massive horror fan, I grew up watching the classic horror films of the day
and fell in love with the A Nightmare On Elm Street series then Friday The 13th,
but ever since discovering George A. Romero and his zombie series I have been
glued to the t.v. watching film after film. There is nothing better than to watch
zombies die in all different and strange ways.

So when Donruss Americana this year released a George A. Romero card i had
to own it, not only a card but a Auto/Relic card for my collection.


The scratches and marks on the scan are from the scanner, this card is mint
and looks amazing, now all I need is to find out how thick it is to buy a holder
for it.

This has to be my best card, I'm a huge fan of his and having his autograph
makes me feel all warm inside and it only cost me $30, the auto/relic is
numbered 069/100 so I am also on the look out for his private signings card
numbered /50 if you have it and want to part with it message me.
Very nice addition there, I love it when collectors managed to pikc up a PC card that has a lot of love attached and meaning to them. Thats how I started on non-sports stuff myself, and have been going at it when I can.

Well done again.
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