Sending cards when you own animals. -Please Read-


Real Name

let me start out that this is not a complaint. Its more a heads up to anyone who owns animals and they are frequently rubbing against cards or yourself.

There are some collectors who are allergic to these such wonderful animals. ME being one of them. Now, I do realize that this is as much my fault as anyone's as I should maybe ask first if you have any. I don't as I wish not to make a big fuss over it until now.

Last night, I had a major league asthma attack due to a batch of cards that I received that was full of cat hair and dander. I am not going to say if it was from this board or from another pickup I received from somewhere else as its not the senders fault that I have asthma.

If you have allergies, make sure you ask the trading person if they have a cat or dog if your allergic. I think its the person who is allergic responsibility to ask, not the person sending. One thing I will ask is if you do have cats and dogs and you know then might be rubbing against you or your cards, have some sensibility to check the package before you send. The package I received had no less then 4 cat hairs pinned in between the cards and the tape.

Now, like I said, this isn't to point fingers towards anyone. I have been living with Asthma for 44 years and I should know better. I would just ask that at least make sure if you are trading, that you not send half the cat with the package! :)

I hope this helps anyone else who might be allergic and might end up feeling cruddy after opening a package.

Cheers everyone.
Not something one would usually think if. But good point.

Hope you feel ok now, and hopefully the cards gave a better feeling than the cat!
Ah Choo! Ah Choo! Ah Choo!

Sorry, I couldn't resist. You'll be safe with any trades with me though, totally pet free home
At least you got cat hair..... I got pubic hair in one of my packages.... not sure what the seller was doing while packaging the cards. Must be watching p**n and m*** himself I guess.

Anyway, I do agree with you that sellers needs to be considerate when packaging the cards. Thanks
Sorry to hear that mate.

We have a cat but I personally can't stand animal hair being anywhere in the house, if I find some on my cards or the sticky tape I package cards with I pull it off. Apologies to anyone if I ever missed any :D

You must be in denial Garth, you are the pet... ;)
What I'd like to know is why people have their animals rub up against their cards or even where they are kept!?!

I have 4 cats and a dog... 3 children to mind you, the Dog never comes in the house, 2 cats are inside only cats and the other 2 spend a lot of time in the house too but they are never anywhere near where I keep my cards let alone close enough to get the cat hair and so on on the cards or my supplies!!!
Good point Ian, I keep all my cards in the study which is the 'NO kids & pets' room, not that my 6 month can do much yet... My cat however manages to find ways to sleep on everything and anything you can imagine. If you put a decoy card in the middle of the floor in an empty room..she'll sleep on it.
I do have a cat and have sent to MandC perth, so hopefully it wasn't my package. I keep my cards away from my little girl (the cat), ditto with the tape. But as any one who owns a dog or a cat knows - the ensemble isn't complete with the respective hair. That being said, I understand it is hard to keep cat/dog hair away from everything and sometimes you do get little airborne floaters that manage to settle on stuff. But yeah, mike has a good point.
At least you got cat hair..... I got pubic hair in one of my packages.... not sure what the seller was doing while packaging the cards. Must be watching p**n and m*** himself I guess.

Anyway, I do agree with you that sellers needs to be considerate when packaging the cards. Thanks

lol...thats not funny!!! lol i can say that i have had the same problem but at work! being a manager of an adult shop i have customers bring in dvd exchanges and you can probably guess what they are like sometimes! i end up throwing them at the customer if they have pubic hair or worse on them, its damn feral if you ask me and the customers have the gall to say whats wrong with it!
On a serious note, sorry to hear that you have that nasty an allergy, i have the same problem with animal hair but not as bad as that and also with dust and dry grass...bloody sucks!!!!
lol...thats not funny!!! lol i can say that i have had the same problem but at work! being a manager of an adult shop i have customers bring in dvd exchanges and you can probably guess what they are like sometimes! i end up throwing them at the customer if they have pubic hair or worse on them, its damn feral if you ask me and the customers have the gall to say whats wrong with it!
On a serious note, sorry to hear that you have that nasty an allergy, i have the same problem with animal hair but not as bad as that and also with dust and dry grass...bloody sucks!!!!

At least people can get turned on using a product out from a adult store..... for the life of me, not sure how the seller got turned on whilst handling basketball cards!!!! You never know I might have a stained jersey card in my collection..... oh no.........
LOL @ this thread and the direction it is heading

Didn't mean to hijack the thread.... the thread should be focus on the following

1. Mike is fine and everybody is wishing him well.
2. For all sellers, please be considerate to the other party when packing the cards.


1. What extra "bonus" you might get in your package
2. What turns people on.
I did send MandC some stuff recently but i dont own any pets so if it was me it wasnt animal hair....

I think the best i ever received from an unnamed retired member of this site was a top loader with a piece of ferel infested beard taped to it... needless to say this top loader has taken pride in my collection untill we can replicate people from a strand of dna and i can have a little bearded man of my own as a pet
lol...thats not funny!!! lol i can say that i have had the same problem but at work! being a manager of an adult shop i have customers bring in dvd exchanges and you can probably guess what they are like sometimes! i end up throwing them at the customer if they have pubic hair or worse on them, its damn feral if you ask me and the customers have the gall to say whats wrong with it!
On a serious note, sorry to hear that you have that nasty an allergy, i have the same problem with animal hair but not as bad as that and also with dust and dry grass...bloody sucks!!!!

Just to stay off topic :p It's not 'adult material' but I picked up Banditas at the video store the other week and it was all sticky, I was so disgusted I left without hiring anything and felt dirty all the way to the nearest washroom.

On topic.. it can be really difficult to keep animal hair off things, Jason is spot on about those little floaters that hang around.
it can be really difficult to keep animal hair off things, Jason is spot on about those little floaters that hang around.
Thanks for the laugh, dude. But it's true, when you own a cat - especially an indoor cat - you'd be surprised where you find cat hair!
I too have sent you some cards lately and I do have a cat, but I have friends that are allergic to cats so I do try to make sure no hairs infiltrate my cards, clothing etc. I sincerely hope it was not from me, and if so I cannot apologise enough. :(
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