Seen the latest Sonny-bill "scandal"?


I was just on ninemsn and was greeted by the headline: "Sonny snaps- Bulldog steals, smashes pap's camera." I mean, what the hell was he supposed to do??? He was out clubbing with Willie Tonga WITHOUT drinking, and some bloody paparazzi with no life has to go following him around shooting pics when asked numerous times not to, and generally spoiling the evening. And now he's been painted in a bad light for snapping? If you're at a pub cracking on to an uninterested girl all night despite her telling you go leave her alone, you're more than likely going to cop some sort of retribution, probably physical. If you look at the letter of the law, sure you'd have a right to feel a bit aggrieved, but I wouldn't expect any sympathy. So how the HELL is Sonny the bad guy in this??? Next time he should just go out with some no-name kiwis and tell them before-hand to just drop anyone who does a similar thing, that might get a clearer message accross to these bloody vultures who don't have a friggin life... Or try a restraining order against the photographer involved...
youre a public figure you deal with it, if u dont like it, dont be apublic figure...hem gets bloody good money to do something he loves, paparazzi is part of it, he needs to deal
If Sonny Bill is going to be a famous guy; and I am sure his contract has more money in because of his marketability, as well as the contract he would have would his own private sponsors, he has to cop people taking photos of him, or wanting his autograph, noticing him in a crowd and so on.

Pretty strange if he only wants people to take photos of him when he gets money or stuff himself; the guys taking the photos is only taking them because the local paper, magazine or website will pay him cash for it.
yep,he wants to head out and be seen by a person doing there job,well he either goes out and expects that there or stay low and dont go out

pretty simple really
I agree that he needs to get used to people (FANS) asking for his autographs, taking pics, but what, the fact he's a sports star means he can't go outside his own 4 walls without being able to just relax? He gets no "me" time? And you don't feel people should respect his wishes to stop harrassing him when he asks them persistantly to please stop? What do you guys do at the zoo, rattle a stick along bars in the lion cage? Hey, the lion's there on public display, he can either handle whatever crap the spectators throw at him, or get turned into a rug....
I agree that he needs to get used to people (FANS) asking for his autographs, taking pics, but what, the fact he's a sports star means he can't go outside his own 4 walls without being able to just relax? He gets no "me" time? And you don't feel people should respect his wishes to stop harrassing him when he asks them persistantly to please stop? What do you guys do at the zoo, rattle a stick along bars in the lion cage? Hey, the lion's there on public display, he can either handle whatever crap the spectators throw at him, or get turned into a rug....

I agree - he has aske dmany times ot be left alone... frankly if we were out and some one kept bothering us we'd bloody do worse... so yeah he needs to accept fame but he deserves respect to.
He should've just got the management of the place to get rid of the photographer. Seriously - you're a club owner. You want Sonny Bill in there attracting others, or a photographer?
I agree that he needs to get used to people (FANS) asking for his autographs, taking pics, but what, the fact he's a sports star means he can't go outside his own 4 walls without being able to just relax? He gets no "me" time? And you don't feel people should respect his wishes to stop harrassing him when he asks them persistantly to please stop? What do you guys do at the zoo, rattle a stick along bars in the lion cage? Hey, the lion's there on public display, he can either handle whatever crap the spectators throw at him, or get turned into a rug....

Stupid analagy, hes not a lion, hes a human that knows RIGHT from WRONG (at least one would assume so)

If youre out in public and are a public figure, the paparazzi are going to take photos of you, simple as that
Stupid analagy, hes not a lion, hes a human that knows RIGHT from WRONG (at least one would assume so)

If youre out in public and are a public figure, the paparazzi are going to take photos of you, simple as that

Human being, Matty? He sounds like more of a "valuable commodity" the way most have been commenting so far. It like a public figure is something the rest of us are not. And for people who say, he's an athlete/entertainer, the least he can do is cop a bit of flack, I thought the least he could do was entertain us and provide us with the highest standard of football, which he does! As far as I'm concerned, if he turns up to training every day, gives 100% every game, and is polite in his dealings with fans/endorsers, that's all that should be expected of him. Also, you were right Matty, humans do differ to animals in that we all have an engrained sense of RIGHTS, including the right within reason to go about our lives without interference from others...
hes out in public, not in his home, he choose the life of being a professional athlete, thats part of what goes with it, if you dont like, quit and take an office job where no one cares what you do
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