Rodman passed over for HOF induction?

thats makes a mockery of the HOF is meant to be for the best payers.....
Wasn't he nominated?

Yeah he is nominated this time around

More details here

Slobby is going to get very excited when he sees Pippen is nominated.
Rodman is no chance for a loong time yet...kicked cameraman in the balls, head butted a referee...u sound like he's a shoo in
he should be a shoe in on talent....Defensive players are always overshadowed by the big scorers...
This has been discussed on many forums...and the HOF process does not rely on talent alone.

This is taken from the HOF website:

I'd say that Rodman breached this elegibility criteria a number of times in his no nomination for the Worm!!
The same with the AFL. Gary Ablett Snr & Wayne Carey are the two best players i've ever seen, but are both struggling for the HOF nomination because of their 'extra curricular activities'.

And yep, that is a hell of waiting list!
Not when he was found innocent.

I hate Kobe as much as anyone but he was cleared in a court of law.

As for J R Smith thats another story...

Rodman doesn't make it right now ahead of a whole bunch of players that deserve it ahead of him. DJ, Alex English, Bernard King and others already mentioned.

So would that mean Kobe won't get a look in?
Kobe settled out of court in the civil suit and made a statement agreeing that Faber didn't think it was consensual sex - also had some $$$ included too i think...
I don't think that's found innocent - also the girl dropped charges because of all the harassment - that's not innocence...
Having said that I think he'll make the hall.

Did/Has James Worthy?? He had a thing for hookers and got arrested for soliciting a copper!!

The worm was an awesome player but I think his incidents will keep him out... the end of the day he wasn't charged and found guilty and therefore he is innocent like OJ LOL

Plenty of others in the HOF with convictions etc but its how they come out of it. Jordan had gambling problems, Parish smoked pot and I'm sure Wilt slept with plenty of married women.

I'll agree with that degree of innocence!!

Thing I don't get about the hall is u can be nominated lots of times and be rejected then u can get in! Don't get that bit. If you're not good enough one time why are u good enough the next???
And Barkley spitting on that young girl, fist fights with Malone/Shaq....
If you ask me Rodman bought in a whole lot more fans during the 90's than Kobe has in the 00's.

Plus I hate that Kobe guy. Ruined everything about the NBA for me.