NRL OCT 2015 SuperCoach - **IT'S OVER**

i wouldn't bank on sandow playing if you are factoring him into your 17 mischa. then again you have paulo who will probably be his replacement since luke kelly cant play with the second tier cap.
i wouldn't bank on sandow playing if you are factoring him into your 17 mischa. then again you have paulo who will probably be his replacement since luke kelly cant play with the second tier cap.
My 1 trade 4 the week was Paulo out and Moses in. If I reverse that trade and wait till Mon, I can trade out the one that doesn't play (Sandow or Paulo)

Sounds like I'm in trouble then...........
Ouch had the VC on Tedesco changed to Walker when I heard Reynolds was back in thinking the bunnies would win and score plenty.......looks like a lot of us thought the same.

I see some of our leagues game results will be changed with the loophole this weekend. Sweet Home Belmore will be spewing had what looked like a comfortable win against Team Bubbya but not anymore....
my cousin came round to grab some tv shows off me, wish he didnt

ended up convincing me to grab reynolds, then took the vc off tedesco for him. now the weeks all over for me.
Anyone got Teddy as VC
Gunna have to monitor proceedings very carefully. Haven't made a trade yet this round though.
Fell for Walker as well. We should know by now these guys don't very often back up after big 100's, usually bottom out when I pick 'em.
Yeah as they say don't go chasing last weeks score, although I think Walker is a borderline keeper, although didn't Souths look hopeless in attack..........again
my cousin came round to grab some tv shows off me, wish he didnt

ended up convincing me to grab reynolds, then took the vc off tedesco for him. now the weeks all over for me.

I hope your right.........

I tossed up between Maloney and Reynolds for this weeks trade but would've had to make teop to get Reynolds in and with his massive BE opted not too. I think he will be a target in a couple for me of weeks though.
I knew before this week started i had little chance of winning, I was just hoping my points differential doesnt take too big a hit. Was going along nicely until Maloney and Ferguson both scored and ended up with decent scores rather than the sub par ones they looked like getting most of the game. Praying Semi has a quiet one tomorrow.

The Juggernaut is a tough opponent at the best of times, sometimes I think you just need to take your medicine rather than blowing trades chasing a win especially during the bye rounds as you could end up mucking your team up for the run home post Origin.
Yeah bad timing with the bye round but you have to play someone. Your exactly right with the trading for a win. Although i brought in a few players that played this round they were all cheapies. I have set my self up for the next few weeks instead.
Whatever happens at least you will be able to say you beat a gun side in The Penetrators.

Not sure if other are willing to share but the half yearly review on the Penetrators:
18 Trades left
Nothing in the bank $20k
Team Value $8.16m
4-5 upgrades / wants to go

One of those annoying rounds where you score better than most the league but still lose.

I have 17 trades left
$461k in the bank
Team value $7.68m
unsure how many upgrades to go. too early to tell.
$461k now there's a nice bankroll.

Pretty similar really, what you have in the bank I have in my team.

I got beaten in one of my other leagues by a team which scored 1364!!!!!! The guy vc loopholed Tedesco then as his auto emergency had Kata 105!!!! He was 1000th I think he might be jumping up the leader board this week.

24 Trades left, used 4 each bye week and neither helped and used about 3 before the comp had even kicked off... newbie life haha
Bank $29k
Team Value $7.28m
4 upgrades i could go for, got walker back last week and threw sandow some love as his price has dropped heaps so thought could be a match winner at that price. Tried my luck with Olive last week also which will pay off if he can squeeze a few more games in somehow.

Buy of the season - Still Granville for me plus Coote as had them both from the start
22 trades remain
$30,000 spare
Team worth $7.98m
Upgrades required across the park
Really should have made a couple of trades last week, not just to go for the win (though I only lost by 38) but I'm struggling for a quality 17 this week.