NRL OCT 2014 SuperCoach

Wow Thurston 31 was on fire last night.........

I pretty much had a strong advantage this weekend until then, now I'm pretty nervous.
Overall ???

Why would I be in a H2H comp if overall was the goal. I think you may have me...why did I play Gordon instead of Beale I changed a couple of times when I saw they had him a centre but changed back...doh
May sound strange but I try to play H2H as well as overall

Your playing for overall? You seem a bit short on the bye weekends with only 11 and 12 players respectively and that includes two each round that may or may not play, overall is going to cost you too many trades IMO.

Dugan. Captain. That is all.

Too good =D>

I thought when you said "Dugan Capt" that you had loopholed him but no you are de man.
Your playing for overall? You seem a bit short on the bye weekends with only 11 and 12 players respectively and that includes two each round that may or may not play, overall is going to cost you too many trades IMO.

Too good =D>

I thought when you said "Dugan Capt" that you had loopholed him but no you are de man.
I have enough trades for 2 every week for the rest of the season. I have fielded 17 every week but last week with Rona, Johnston and 1 other unexpectedly out plus I took a punt on Hayne playing, I took a big hit. I "try" to play overall is what I should have written
Ross, Our match this week should be close. I'm all done and you have 2 Broncos player left to play. I'm ahead by 126 and your players projected combined score is 129.
Ross, your players were under projected but obviously corrections have put you in front by 1 measley point. C'mon It sucks scoring 1144 and getting beat by 1 point!!!
Ross, all those rants were on your behalf. No need to thank me!

What a dog of a week a 1 point loss. :cry:

Mary pulls Merrin early and he was a point scoring machine, averages 64 minutes a game this season and only played 47 this week and scored 76 points.....just 2 minutes more please. :mad:

Parker gets pulled with 5 minutes to go (after hitting post with conversion and missing -2 instead of +4) and then only needed to stay on another 30 seconds to have a shot at goal in^t. :mad:

My own brain explosion, thinking I had you by about 70 points before the weekend started decided to play Gordon (even though moved to centres) to cover him as a common player when my first instinct was to play Beale as the Sharks were fielding a reggies team, Gordon 20 odd Beale 70 odd.

Oh well there's always next week.

Me : yay DWZ is back this week, will get his price rise and need his points this week.

then today at the judiciary he cops 4 weeks for eye gouging someone in the nsw cup.
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