Not a fan of Panini - Is it just me?


Melbourne, Victoria
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Hey guys,

I've looked through most basketball product that Panini have out at the moment and none of it has really wow'd me. Most of their card designs are kinda boring with lots of angled lines, making it feel like they're trying for a modern feel but just not quite pulling it off.
I still think Upper Deck produce the best looking cards (my opinion) like their Exquisite, Sweet shot, fleer, premier, SP (spx, spgu, etc) brands just to name a few. The card stock seems better and just their designs are a bit more imaginative.

I know cards are really all about personal taste so what I feel is better isn't necessarily what others think is better but is the general feeling of Panini entering the basketball cards market good or bad?
Some of their higher end jersey/patch/auto's don't look too bad and as a kobe collector i'm excited about their commitment to putting out more kobe on-card auto's (but at the same time if they flood the market with em they'll loose value :() but in general don't their cards look kinda bland?

So, Do you guys like Panini? Do you think they're doing good stuff?

I agree Judstin. I just can't get into Pannini at the minute. Not that I think they're doing a bad job, just can't get into them! Pannini are a necessary evil, as UD really dropped the ball the last couple of years. Competition improves everybody, but I have found myself buying older UD products or just single cards that i'm after lately.
I commented on this in one of my threads but I think they're doing an average to below par job, first big cycle for them of nba cards but they've been around basketball producing stickers for many years so they should have some idea.

I think they didn't want to be accused of copying the Upper Deck/other brand stuff so tried for something modern and different and will judge from feedback and sales as to how they vary that next release. well i hope that's what happens anyway.

Still a couple of releases left isn't there, Studio and Classics, at least, so there's a bit more to go off, but yeah, I'm with you mate, for the most part, not a fan, only getting some of it cause I have to get the KG's releases, but as for sets, there's only like 2 I would bother with, the team name JSY from Certified, and something from Limited, jumbo jerseys.

Anyway, looks like they're here for a few years so will give em a chance to show some better stuff!
Yeah i'm hopeful things improve with Panini. Just hopeful that cos its there first year producing bball cards they'll learn as they go and incorporate changes based on sales/feedback as you said Matt.

I agree Upper Deck have kinda dropped the ball in recent years (especially with the 08/09 fleer..what were they thinking with the retro style cards!). I've been buying lots of 07/08 stuff lately as I'm a big Durant fan and just stuff from then looks better than it does today.

I think competition is a great thing, and hopefully that extra competition will improve cards from all manufacturers going forward. I really miss the days of collecting cards in the 90's, they really don't make inserts like that anymore (see the 90's insert dedication thread). Hope things pick up soon! Really looking forward to the 2nd half of this year's releases to see what else comes out.
I still prefer UD as im a creature of habit plus i like possibility of pulling a durant/lebron or MJ auto. Still its early days yet, looks like Panini Timeless Treasures may be a nice product.
As Judstin said, it's all about personal preference. Personally, I'm happy with panini from the boxes i've busted so far (Panini, Prestige, Rookies and Stars Hobby/Retail) plus some packs of Elite (hobby/retail), Playoff Contenders and Threads. I do like the design of the Contenders cards with the ticket theme as well as R&S and Prestige with the focus on the player. Threads is similar in design to Elite, but as elite is out of my budget for a box plus the fact that you won't even get a complete base set out of Elite I'll be getting a box of Threads. Depending on the price for Studio I might grab that also. What I do like that Panini has done is the fact that they have brought back the whole idea of every pack has either an insert or parallel - it takes me back to the good ol' days of the mid 1990's. PLus the fact that panini's jersey pieces are consistently of a decent size compared to what upper deck and topps have done and that every product premium level and above contains 1 card serially number to 25 - i could never see upper deck doing that in something Like UD, Ultra or topps doing it in ..... chrome.
Yeah the fact that they're putting in inserts/parallel's in each pack is nice, I love anything that takes me back to the 90's. I hope I can come to appreciate Panini as you do taff...i'm hopeful the stuff they next bring out will be nice. Certified just came out but still isn't wowing me yet.

I agree about the size of pieces of jersey, it is great they're bigger than UD is doing but then this might come back to competition...since Panini are doing it maybe some future UD releases will start it. I also like the full patches Panini do, so maybe UD will catch onto that.

Still a big part of each card is its design that makes them appealing (bring back holograms and refractors - don't see them much anymore - love the shinies of the 90s lol) and so far Panini haven't delivered on this one yet for me.

As Judstin said, it's all about personal preference. Personally, I'm happy with panini from the boxes i've busted so far (Panini, Prestige, Rookies and Stars Hobby/Retail) plus some packs of Elite (hobby/retail), Playoff Contenders and Threads. I do like the design of the Contenders cards with the ticket theme as well as R&S and Prestige with the focus on the player. Threads is similar in design to Elite, but as elite is out of my budget for a box plus the fact that you won't even get a complete base set out of Elite I'll be getting a box of Threads. Depending on the price for Studio I might grab that also. What I do like that Panini has done is the fact that they have brought back the whole idea of every pack has either an insert or parallel - it takes me back to the good ol' days of the mid 1990's. PLus the fact that panini's jersey pieces are consistently of a decent size compared to what upper deck and topps have done and that every product premium level and above contains 1 card serially number to 25 - i could never see upper deck doing that in something Like UD, Ultra or topps doing it in ..... chrome.
You can't call it competition now because there is only one player. What we have is a monopoly. I would like them to learn from the bext of the past an implement it into the new. Inserts that have no foil/ die-cut but look like a subset are a cop-out. Panani are good at them. Why is everything about GU and auto's. I am sorry they are appealing to the higher end audience. I thought they were brought in to focus on the broadning of the hobby. Well the products designed to broaden the hobby were filth really. When comparing it to fleer and UD in recent years (their base products). Damm I am dribbling now. I will stop. But down with Panani, in my opinion.
Yeah I've been unimpressed by most, just nothing that looks expensive, even if it isn't. I think they'll improve though.

the team name JSY from Certified

YES - love these in patch versions, just bought the Arenas patch /5. Almost got me thinking of buying a couple of boxes...
Yeah I've been unimpressed by most, just nothing that looks expensive, even if it isn't. I think they'll improve though.

YES - love these in patch versions, just bought the Arenas patch /5. Almost got me thinking of buying a couple of boxes...

Here's mine I got today /25, haven't seen patch version yet


Judstin - UD is out of the NBA market and with the way things are going with the MLB dispute its looking likely they'll be out for good. As to holograms and refractors .... I wouldn't mind seeng holograms, but the issue is cost effectiveness - I can't imagine they'd be cheap to make. Refractors are copyrighted by topps along with the whole chrome thing, so I don't see it likely that panini will do anything like that. Maybe when contracts come up for negotiation again in 2013, Topps will realise they're stupidity and return to the biggest international market for sports cards - basketball.
Oh yeah I heard after this year they weren't going to be producing anymore exquisite's, but didn't realize they'd be out of basketball all together?

Upper Deck still have a few different products due to come out later this year, do you mean there won't be any UD products next yr? That will be an even bigger blow to the basketball card hobby. If it will be only up to Topps and Panini they better come up with good stuff fast!

Judstin - UD is out of the NBA market and with the way things are going with the MLB dispute its looking likely they'll be out for good. As to holograms and refractors .... I wouldn't mind seeng holograms, but the issue is cost effectiveness - I can't imagine they'd be cheap to make. Refractors are copyrighted by topps along with the whole chrome thing, so I don't see it likely that panini will do anything like that. Maybe when contracts come up for negotiation again in 2013, Topps will realise they're stupidity and return to the biggest international market for sports cards - basketball.
UD are stretching it even further.....a rumored North Carolina set is in the works.

Upper deck IS the hobby.

I remember walking through K-Mart in Toowoomba as a 12 year old, obsessed by all things Jordan, Ewing, Knicks, NBA whatever. Me and my brother were MAD on it. Then I saw a TV with slow motion footage of Jordan cutting a path to the hoop, dunking over an opponent which drew us in closer, and over the top of some classicly themed music, I heard that magnificent original slogan ;


Below the TV, behind the counter, was a fresh new box of 93-94 Upper deck. Still the best looking design base card in my humble opinion. I bought four packs, and pulled a Shaquille ONeal Rookie sensations card. Odds of 1:34. Loved it from then on. I actually dont think I ever bought a pack of Fleer, Hoops, skybox or anything else. Maybe it was just brand loyalty, but I always loved the name, the logo and that slogan. Upper deck wasnt just cards, it was TAKING me there.

Then came my favourite product of all time, Upper Deck collectors choice 93-94. Silver signature in every pack, gold signature in every box. The innovative "You crash the game!!" inserts. Theroughout the nineties, upper deck were always growing new products and building to something big.

Now, 17 years down the track, Upper deck have almost single handedly built this hobby into the behemoth that it is today. Grown men forking out tens of thousands of dollars on a product called "Exquisite Basketball". Think about it people, TENS of THOUSANDS, HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS in some cases on basketball cards. The name it self makes the very hardened of collectors melt thinking about breaking open a case. How many times have you read in a thread, "I wish I could afford to buy a case" This product was the most anticipated every year and seemed to breath a new life into the hobby whenever it was released.

Whether it be Exquisite, Ultimate, UD black, Trilogy, Sweet Shot, SPX, SP Authentic or your classic upper deck, they have always had the best cards, the best designs, the best options, the best players, the best autos and the best GU.

When the NBA gave Panini the rights to produce cards, they closed the door on an extremely successful time in the hobby, and probably the most successful time the hobby has ever experienced. Im yet to find anyone who is 100% sold on Panini products. I myself, think it looks bland, unimaginative and rushed.

Long read I know, but as I said at the start, for me, upper deck IS the hobby.

I actually still have a 93/94 UD shaq base card lol. Those were the days.

I totally agree with you midnight, couldn't have said it better myself! :D:D:D:D I really hope that Panini get their act together or somehow Upper Deck make a big come back because yes they have been producing cards for so long and they most definitely have produced the best cards around!


Similar story for me, my first ever pack was 93-94 UD, pulled a Shaq base, still my favourite base and set of all time...
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