My Ben Simmons Experience and My Boomers Tribute


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Hey Guys,

Been away for a while, so haven't posted in a month or so.

Here's a couple of things I've done in the meantime that any BBall fans might enjoy.

Firstly Whilst I didn't cover the NBA Finals this year, I did go to the NBA Draft and we had a worldwide exclusive with Bens Simmons ahead of the Draft. He was such a great guy, and even invited us to dinner the night before the draft which I'll remember forever.
IMG_2439 (1).jpg

To put that in perspective, here's a comparison: we had Ben like this for 30mins, every other world media had him like this for 5mins:)
IMG_2471 2.JPG

I wanted to show you the feature, but unfortunately its been deleted from the Fox Sports website. (Videos get deleted after a certain timeframe)

Secondly, for my Brand New twitter/youtube page, I have produced a 4-5min Boomers Tribute to get people excited about Rio 2016. enjoy. It should be the top video on my channel here:

If you wanna see my stuff first, follow me on twitter @NBAussie or one Facebook 'NBAussie Films'
that's awesome man, what a cool experience!

WHY do the videos get deleted after a time!??Would seem to be better to have the searchable for later viewing and getting people to come back to the site
I believe it has something to do with a worldwide agreement between news networks. Basically if a news story has highlights from another network in it, it can air on TV and be shared online for an agreed period of time (say 2 weeks) after which point it must be deleted. So if we did the story and it was 100% filled with my shots, and nothing at LSU or 76ers (ESPN), it would stay online forever. Or if espn did the story and used ESPN highlights along with their shots it too would stay up.

It's a way that all channels can deliver their audience news about all sports on all networks around the world without money changing hands in order to do it. It's a fair system when you think about it like that:)
Fair enough, yes it does, still would like to watch older vids though lol.

Your YouTube stuff is going great man, heaps of Twitter and shares?
Yeh I'd say so. I've got a couple going up tomorrow, but you might have been seen before. (before I started my dedicated channel) psst. Handles Randles on the DL.
So im sure we would all love to hear more about your run in with Ben Simmons!!
What were your impressions on young Ben? All that stuff on not acknowledging Tmac and Vince blown out of proportion?
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