Mail days are pretty few and far between these days :/


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Happens when you get near the end of a collection :( but luckily some new series have some decent retro autos so there are some nice new damons out there to collect, new 'old' stuff isn't exactly what im into, but sometimes you just gotta get something! this is on-card too, which makes a nice change - via mymallbox

also, ive updated the link in my sig to my damon collection. well some of it, tbh i wasnt up to the task for doing it all - lotsa snapping! so just focused on some of the cooler stuff and a bunch of shots from the first 15 or so sheets in my book.

hope y'all enjoy & would love to hear any comments on this or the other stuff in the collection.




Mighty Mouse! That's how I rememeber him in his ROY days on the Raps... How retro cool is the Jurassic Park jersey! They just don't do jerseys like that anymore!
Love it!

The 90's gave the Raptors quite a few great and flashy guys.......Stoudamire, Carter, McGrady and Camby. I would loved to see them gel and combine to be a great core team.
thanks for all the replies everyone :)

ugh, the next thing i have to do is close single shots of the cards i havent solo'd yet - like all the essential credentials x5 etc, man thats good take forever...... but the cards are so cool and rare, i really owe it to the collection to take some decent pics lol. i guess i can just chip away at it!
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