Kobe in heaven


David Robinson Collector
Sydney, Australia
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eBay User
After a long and illustrious career and life. Kobe Bryant dies and goes to heaven.

There he meets God who says "Kobe, for all your great accomplishments, I give you this house" the house was gigantic, and Kobe was very pleased.

On his way to his new home, Kobe drives past the biggest mansion he has ever seen. On the gate of the mansion was the Boston Celtics logo, and a Celtics flag fluttered in the wind.

On every window and every door in the mansion was the Celtics clover logo and the paint was all green and white.

Kobe turn around and went back to God, he said "God, why does Kevin Garnett get such a great house? I won more championships than him"

to which God replied "that isnt Kevin's house - thats mine!"

Just where was God when Rick Pitino took over and the previous owners and Wallace ran the place??
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