Just a reminder ...


OzCards Greatest Hero!!!!
Hallett Cove, SA
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eBay User
With Winter (and rainy season) coming, I figured it was time for a reminder.

I have a letterbox that is prone to flooding (absorbing all the rain), so that is why I am thinking of this.

Please people, if able to, please place the cards in a team bag. It's not that much more expensive, but it is another way to protect cards.

Just a thought....
Good tip there old fella.... my letterbox isnt prone to rain so ive never really thought about this happining...
Better to be safe than sorry:D
Doesn't help when the posty leaves the mailers half hanging out the letterbox! Or if they fling them on the way past :lol:
With Winter (and rainy season) coming, I figured it was time for a reminder.

I have a letterbox that is prone to flooding (absorbing all the rain), so that is why I am thinking of this.

Please people, if able to, please place the cards in a team bag. It's not that much more expensive, but it is another way to protect cards.

Just a thought....

hey clarkey can you take a pic of your letter box so we can asses and help ( i am not a handy man but i think it would make a great thread :D ), i have never had any probs with mine. If i was you i wouldnt take the risk especially after receiving wet cards.
Clarkey - maybe you should just quit any job you have and stay home so you a there when the postie arrives.

Now THAT'S practical!

Been there, done that. But then the spending money dwindles and I can't afford cards :(

So, off to work again...


It's not like my cards have gooten ruined, a few mailers have (as well as bills, as they generally get placed under the packages). It's mostly that the weather comes into the same way the front of the mailbox faces. Just figured it was something easy to do, without much effort required.
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