Celtics Vs. Lakers Nostaglic Finals Showdown

Celtics only looked shaky at the end because once you take your foot of the gas it is hard to get started again. I think the last 7 minutes is only helping the Lakers to hide a lot of problems I dont think they have enough time to fix. Celtics will need to play bad to not wrap this up at the Staples Centre.
Perk was great in his minutes. Once again he got OFF boards and first of all looked for an open player for a shot, if not then he reset the offense again. They even continue to look for him isolated in the post and he hit a BEAUTIFUL fadeway.

He got into foul trouble once again real early thanks to some cheap fouls. Kobe running through screens is one thing but Perk isn't allowed to stand there it seems at times.

If PJ hadn't done as well Perk would play with fouls of course but seeing we have that luxury now rest he got. He needs it anyway.

KG shot poorly once again due to his shot selection and passing up easier looks for harder ones later on in the set. Frustrating when the big guy gets open 10ft and passes only to take a harder 15 footer bail out shot. Of course this takes him away from the boards.

Rondo was great when agressive as I said. He had some really open looks though and passed them up. That could really hurt us in games where we need O.

And yeah we need to go on with games. Today the second unit got it done and our first unit played too long in the last. The second unit with Powe, PJ, Posey etc aint exactly defensive slouches. Lamar didn't even play in the last Q.

Five wins in the row aint stretching it is it? If you can win 4 the same way no reason why you can't execute and win 5!
Don't know how many people here have seen this NBA Finals ad, it gave me goosebumps seeing those two old fellas again albeit a slightly chunkier version...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqJ8txm9fx0&feature=related]YouTube - There Can Only Be One- Magic Johnson and Larry Bird[/ame]
What about this clip?

Celts fan at the Staples hit over the head with a chair and set upon by angry Laker fans unhappy they were down double digits. There were at least 4 fights like this I've been told by Lakers fans.


Lucky we know what 'BEAT LA' really means.
What about this clip?

Celts fan at the Staples hit over the head with a chair and set upon by angry Laker fans unhappy they were down double digits. There were at least 4 fights like this I've been told by Lakers fans.

Lucky we know what 'BEAT LA' really means.

That's extremely mild compared to the hooligans in football games in UK and Europe...if that were a curry dish, it would be butter chicken. :D

One more video clip for the Celtics fans if you haven't come across it before...not quite Thunder Dan, but pretty cool nonetheless.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6IXIRf_BHk]YouTube - Rajon Rondo and Ray Allen backwards[/ame]
wasnt it when LA won their more recent championships - that looting and all sorts of anarchy broke out?

real good fans...

Yep, from memory when we beat Indianna, that's when there was the most trouble. Police were on standby for riots and when they won, the crowd outside started celebrating in their own way. I guess this is what can happen when your arena is surounded by the ghettos of Inglewood and South Central.

As far as these fights go I can't condone that, never would, it's disgusting to see people act like that. As Exibit3 said it's nothing on the soccer nutters but tragic all the same. You have to admit, you'll find this kind stuff happening (the fighting) most places you go where intense sports fans can ruin the experience for the rest of the crowd.

I seen plenty of fights in the city near Fed Square when the Aussies played Italy during the World Cup while watching it on the big screen. I even had a knife pulled on me by a group of kids (By Kids I mean around 18 years old) that thought that was the only way they were getting closer and I guess just looking for trouble.

My mate laughed at them, we let them through and had my Mates Brother seen what happened things would have gotten messy very quick but thankfully it didn't. We let them through, nobody got hurt.

Let's also not forget where Paul Pierce was stabbed, In the same beloved city he plays ball for. You'll get good and bad everywhere you go, let's not generalise and say it's only Laker fans because I'm sure many a Laker fan would distance themselves from that kind of senceless violence.
The sky isn't falling, as games are still on HCA. But the signs didn't look good until the Celts started disrespecting the Lakers in g2. Pierce and a couple of the Cs were laughing after missed shots, 20+ pts up with 8 mins to go...even saw Rivers smiling at a miss. The Lakers won't forget those images. As I had visions of Jellybean, Bill W, George Karl, and even Kareem's dad once again, sitting in the bus on the way to game 3, the Lakers mounted a junk time comeback. Scrap that - junk time only counts if the game is gawn...and with 4 points in it, Lakers ball, under a minute, I didn't see a Celts smile.

Again, I plead with you guys - Gasol, play with just a hint of 7 footer strength - stepping aside as Pow(e) drove in a straight line for a coast to coast dunk was not your finest hour. Walton - you are a brilliant passer and 3 pt shooter for your size...so stop with the t/os and hit the side of a barn! And Kobe...stay focused, and do what you need to do.

I think Phil Jackson stuffed his press conference up a bit. I think he meant to say..

"I thought it was an antrocity that Leon Powe came out and got to the line more times than our entire team in just 14 minutes. Why couldn't we be that aggressive at the basket and draw contact the same way rather than whinge for fouls on the perimeter like we did"


Basically todays game is a series close out game for the Celts. IF we win today I celebrate as if we have already won the title as its in the BAG! :worthy::worthy::worthy::worthy:

Defense wins championships and thats what we need to continue to bring to get this. Plain and simple, not too worried about the O as we have great match up problems for the Lakers on a few fronts not like on one like the Lakers have.

Bring it on! Celts are 2 and 1 in the last 3 games on the road in the playoffs ;)

Media blackout almost in play for me till after the game tonight :eek:

Jack it up Kobe and try to be the man :thumbsup:
Bring it on! Celts are 2 and 1 in the last 3 games on the road in the playoffs ;)

OK, I'll bite...and you lost everyone of the road games before the small 3 game sample provided.

Jack it up Kobe and try to be the man :thumbsup:

Thanks for the advice Chad...he did exactly that.

Games still following HCA...there is still a chance LA fans.

Interesting that in something like 8 finals series that Phil has fallen 0-2 behind, he has won games 3 and 4 in every series.
Vaujacic turned it on from behind the arc today, Farmar was good. Think the bench will be even more fired up for game 4. Lets go Lakers! :)
Kobe missed a bunch from the line, otherwise he'd easily be in the 40s. Not impressed with the play of the rest of the Lakers, this is going to be hard to win if no one besides Vujacic scores more than 9 points. FCKK, get your game face on, you clowns, this is the NBA Finals, go hard or go home!
Kobe missed a bunch from the line, otherwise he'd easily be in the 40s. Not impressed with the play of the rest of the Lakers, this is going to be hard to win if no one besides Vujacic scores more than 9 points. FCKK, get your game face on, you clowns, this is the NBA Finals, go hard or go home!

Same thing happened for the Celts though with Ray Ray and KG getting double digits but all else failing. 34% from the field is abismal!
Same thing happened for the Celts though with Ray Ray and KG getting double digits but all else failing. 34% from the field is abismal!

That's exactly what the Lakers need to be worried about, they shot such a poor percentage the whole freaking game, and they still hung around and had chances to win it. Do the Lakers think this is the pre-season???
The Celtics would really want to win one of the next two. It would be very nerve racking for them if they were to go back home down 3-2. If the Celts don't get one of the next 2 games I think the Lakers might win the series. (I did pick the Lakers in 6)
Well apart from Kobe and Sasha the rest of Lakers really looked liked they'd rather be somewhere else....

Gasol needs to grow some balls and dunk the damn ball!!!Stop pissing round the rim and trying to lay the ball in!

Odom well he needs to grow a HUGE pair if the Lakers want to get close to winning..He is getting absolutley OWNED by KG...A total of 15 Fouls for him in the Finals so far...Keep outta foul trouble Lamar!!!

As for the Celtics they had thier chances in the last QTR..
Ray Allen was huge..KG only came alive in the 3RD and well Pierce maybe you should worry about the game and let it come to you..

It was a must win for the Lakers so is Game 4!!!!

Bring it on!!!
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