Celtics Vs. Lakers Nostaglic Finals Showdown


Melbourne, Vic
Real Name
well my team is out. at least I got my 80's finals wish as a consolation. so who will take it down??? who is hungrier??? who has a date with destiny???

Boston in 7 for me!!!
This could fall into the category of a spoiler title in case anyone's still to watch one of the last games of the conference finals.
man, this will be the biggest finals series in years, and not just cos its finally back to the old rivalry of the green and white against the purple and gold.

who doesnt want to see KG, pierce, and ray get that ring they so richly deserve? its a great feel good story; 3 champion players who for years loitered on celler dweller teams, finally a realistic chance for a ring.

but damn me if kobe isnt looking even hungrier for a ring than when he won em as a young buck. and lakers are just playing amazing team ball, i dont think even boston could have flicked aside a team like the spurs so easily.

i cant wait for this, its gonna be huge.

The Celtics don't "richly deserve it"...they've been very richly paid and had to get there to justify the investment.

The true feel-good story to come out of all this is of a man called KB, who wanted to leave the team at the start of the season and who people called selfish. Maybe the critics were right, maybe he WAS selfish...but he's out to prove that he's a team player, the Lakers are a great team and against the odds -
I really hope we can win this... obviously. The buzz around the internet has us as the underdogs, and I can handle that. Most people out there will be in 'Beat L.A.' mode, Celtics fans or not, there's a natural hate for the Lakers and especially Kobe, all good, understood, I'm over it just as the man himself is.

This will be the first time since the two follow up championships that completed our three-peat where I won't be taking this for granted. We won all those championships fair and square, but just knowing Diesel was there with Kobe, along with Horry, Fox and all those guys, well it kind of got to the point where I just expected them to win and when they did it was sweet but I knew it was coming all the same.

When we lost to Detroit, I stopped taking it for granted. Let's face it, that Philadelphia team of 2001 and that Nets team of 2002 had nothing on Detroit, and instead of us buying that championship, Detroit won the damn thing, just my opinion. We were out played where it mattered most and that Detroit team had a lot of heart.

This time it's different, we're looking at facing the best Celtics team in probably 20 odd years (Celtics fans feel free to disagree), in my honest opinion, this will be the toughest match-up we've had probably in a tie wth that Detroit team that beat us.

I can't wait for June 5th, I don't think NBA fans will be bored with this one, last year bored me, even when we beat the Nets, as great as it was, as an NBA fan that bored me. There was no spark to the series like there was when the Jazz faced the Bulls that final time. If the hype of this series bores anyone, you need to move on to another sport because I'm almost certain the majority of heads will be entertained.

Kobe/Lamar/Gasol take on Allen/Peirce/Garnett. It's a gauranteed blockbuster. The Green and White in LA and the Purple and Gold in the Garden, you gotta love it.

No predictions, one game at time, Go Lakers!!!

[/drunk ramble]

That's a great ramble for a drunk....Good to hear a Lakers fan's perspective.

I also can't wait - I've been cheering for KG for years - was totally despondent with his lot in Minny and now this!! I'm not even gonna pretend to bleed green but I've gotten to know this team well and appreciate what they've done this year. I think they'll be even better next year but you live in the now and as Perk said recently there's no guarantees they'll be back.

As OZ said I think this is hard to predict. There's no doubt Kobe has proved to be unstoppable so far. But the Celtics got by Lebron thanks to a fine effort defensively by Pierce mainly. Kobe has a better supporting cast in Gasol and Odom - both who are good passers.
I think they're weak at the point. Fisher is too slow to stop Rondo - what he does with that advantage is vital. No doubt Gasol has an advantage over Perk but Perk is getting better every game and played 41 and 39 minutes the last 2. He's a great help defender and plays a big role in the Celtics D. KG needs to break down Odom for me. I remember Odom schooling Shawn Marion in last years playoffs then disappearing in the last few big games. I'm hoping the occasion gets to Odom as we all know he can disappear...

Pierce supposedly will match up with Radmanovic but more likely will take tunrs guarding Kobe with Posey and Allen. will be interesting to see what the C's do to stop Kobe. Good luck boys!

No doubt the lakers have an advantage in the coaching - Jackson is the best in the business. Doc - well - he isn't. He doesn't seem to take advantage of any matchup advantages - just keeps promoting 'make the extra pass'

That's enough for now but I can't wait for it to start. KG said he was emotionally drained after the Pistons series - 20 games in 40 days - could explain his reaction when going to the finals 'neutral!!'

Boston MUST win their first 2 I think.....
ljandkg said:
That's a great ramble for a drunk....Good to hear a Lakers fan's perspective.

Thanks mate

I've had even more since then and glad I got that out earlier, It would probably have turned out a lot longer post in the state I'm in now

On another note, my biggest gripe with this match up is the success I want to see some of these players achieve. I'm sure most of you will be with me on this...

There's certain players you want to see do well. I've always been a fan of Ray Allen and Kevin Garnett. Both great guys on and off the court. I'm not sure about KG but I know Ray Allen does a lot for the community with charity work, I'm sure KG does aswell in his own right, all that aside, these are both elite players in this game, you just want to see them succeed.

When Reggie retired without a championship I was shattered. Same goes for Malone, Ewing, Barkley, (Larry) Johnson, Penny Hardaway (screw Tim), Webber and Wilkins of old. With the new school my picks are Allen, Garnett, McGrady, Bibby, Baron, Iverson, Kidd, Nash, Amare, Gilbert, Carter (even Melo) and last but not least LeBron (sure he's got plenty of time) even Mutumbo (of old - still time), it would be great to see them all get a ring and i'm sure I'm missing a few there. When Drexler/Olajuwon got theres it was great to see as a fan of the NBA. When we did it for Mitch it was golden. When Miami did it for Zo it was even more precious given his health problems, great all round story, Zo is a legend.

All great athletes, all guys you would like to see succeed and get that championship.

Just not against the Lakers

And if you had bothered to read on after the bolded statement that you quoted from JZA he went onto explain that its more the big 3 that deserve it afte slugging it out...

Feel good story with KB? Its a great ending to a story but I dont know if I would call ti a feel good story, they did add Gasol to help out, I wonder if they'd be in the position if they were if it wasnt for that trade and some of there 2nd tier players aswell as they have this year. (Not trying to take away from Kobe, not a fan, but you cant deny how good he is!)

Either way its gonna be a cracker of a series!!!

Celtics in 6, if it goes to 7 I think Lakers will get over the line!
To be honest I cant decide who I want to win. I would actually be happy to see either team win it all for various reasons.

Its just going to be so damn entertaining. ooops - I just drooled a little.

To coin a phrase - basketball will be the winner in this series



Oh and Gasol being gift wrapped to the Lakers makes you guys more "deserving?"

Just kidding mate!:v: Just having a toss!Still mad at you guys for denying us our first back to back.

As an NBA fan in general I'm gonna love this series. Just imagine if LA still had a healthy Bynum. Without Bynum, LA's lenght was enough to give the Spurs fits. I wonder if the Gasol/Odom tandem is enough to keep KG at bay or is the emergence of K Perk enough to neutralize the Lakers length.
This Series should help the NBA with TV Ratings. As far as I remember, last year was one of the lowest TV rating in the last decade.

I would like the Lakers to get it but the Celtics were built to win right even before the season started... Should be a close one!
Well at least we've got one decent team in the finals..... just hope the Celts crush the lakers.

Even though I hate the lakers more than the spurs it didn't really bother me that they got through rather than the spurs... makes the series a bit more exciting as watching the spurs would make things a bit boring...
I'm all about the Celtics. I want KG to get a ring, he deserves one for being a champ and sticking it out in Minny as long as he did, heck he would have stayed if they hadn't shopped him about. So I want him to get his championship so he can truly be known as one of the greats!
Ummm Celtics...cause...well just because. I don't personally care much but I don't like the Lakers and Kobe is the leagues #1 Nob.

However whether they get there or not, we'll always know that Kobe just simply cannot carry a team by himself to a championship

I don't think any player can carry a team to a championship on their, kobe or not.
I don't think any player can carry a team to a championship on their, kobe or not.

Exactly. He's gonna need Gasol and Odom to show up every night. Let's face it, Peirce for example won't be leading his team to a championship all on his own...
Exactly. He's gonna need Gasol and Odom to show up every night. Let's face it, Peirce for example won't be leading his team to a championship all on his own...

Every championship team in History has done it as a team, not individual. Duncan had parker and manu, MJ had scottie... I'm no huge kobe fan, but I think the guy deserves credit for "leading" his team this far. He hasn't carried them, but has played a vital role, they would'nt be there without him.