2023 Select New Release July 2023

There’s a card porn site lol now where talking. Now I can see the fairer sex anywhere walking down the street , driving their cars , even shopping. But give me a high end card insert, that’s on a different level altogether .
my human brain is saying the same, my gambling brain is saying otherwise
It’s always better to get an individual card from a pack your self than purchasing no doubt. But the cost of cards now I am changing tact a bit. I will probably stick to buying older higher end cards from previous sets as the lustre has diminished a bit . You will pay top dollar buying individual gem cards now . But if you’re a collector that doesn’t really matter either I suppose . You still don’t want to pay a ridiculous exorbitant amounts for one card in most instances ,you still have to be smart about it. And remember if buying as an investment condition is always king, ask questions and if you are not satisfied by the answer, don’t buy it.
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There are spacers between the gemmed ones
I thought for the cost of this product the cards would be sealed in one touches like Flawless is…. Seems odd not to do it with their own one touches?