05-06 hardcourt,not happy Ud !!


Old perth boy
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eBay User
Just got back from protos place..we popped in to get some cases,sleaves etc..
Picked this box up at a pretty good price with my birthday cash.
Ok..1 auto,1 gu and 2 rookies out of this box ??...these first 2 no dramas even tho i didnt even get the average,,could have done much worse
Heres the bad part and no its not the same card...2 of the same cheapo rookies #966 and 967/1750..
That's pretty poor luck HSV. I busted a box of Hardcourt a few months back and got 2 jerseys, 1 auto and 3 RC's. There isn't anything much more dissapointing than not getting the box average. Better luck next time mate
Allstar cards inc said:
Poor collation in that box Stevo!! Did you include the box# in your email?

Na ,,didnt think of that...they got all my details if they can be bothered replying...but from what ive read so far thats highly unlikly:(
Anyway if any1 wants any of this lot.pm me or ill burn the lot !!
Magicman said:
bad luck there Steve i broke a box of those and pulled a Mo Pete Auto and a Dooling GU :s

Ta bud.... sure i would have liked to at least pulled the norm on inserts but know thats all part of busting...But to get those 2 rookies really cheezed me off....(mind you if theyd been a great rookie ide have been wrapped !)
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