Miles Burris!!

You can still find out who won an auction, it's especially easy if you bidded on it a bidder search and put in YOUR user'll see all the auctions you've bid on and if they completed, you'll see the winner's user id - and it's not hidden at all...

Did not know that!
Cheers for that bud, hadnt seen it..

Dude wants $160 (plus prob $30 shipping) and as nice as it is I wouldnt spend that on a printing plate - even with that patch

Appreciate the heads up though mate

Scratch that bud - Its Vincent Jackson :lol:

Whoops, sorry about that... saw the Vincent and the Chargers and forgot Vincent Jackson was a Charger :oops:
Latest update...


Absolute Hobby RC /399 (Top left)
Absolute Retail RC /399 (Incoming.. :thumbsup: )
Absolute Spectrum Red (On the lookout..)
Absolute Spectrum Blue /100 (On the lookout..)
Absolute Spectrum Silver /50 (Top middle..)
Absolute Spectrum Black /25 (On the lookout..)
Absolute Spectrum Gold /25 (Top Right)
Absolute Spectrum Platinum /5 (1/5 bottom left and 2/5 bottom right with 5/5 incoming.. :kick: )

If anyone sees any Burris at all anywhere, please let me know! :thumbsup:
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