Kryptonate Collector Item!!

Well in the aution questions the guy said Nate had 4 pairs, so this may not actually be the one he wore in that contest.

If I were Nate and I gave hom the shoes, I'd be telling him he should donate the money somewhere, at least some of it (50%?).
Yeah stuff like this is hard to trust, I love the way upper deck does their memorabilia, if they could of, they might of jumped in, got Nate to sign them and then either upper deck could of done a promo page or something on there website,

Its like alot of Cricket, Football memorabilia, if its not A-tag like upper deck does things as A-tag in Australia does, I ain't really trusting it.

For used memorabilia that is.
Umm ... he may be a great little dunker with two Dunk titles but future Hall Of Famer ?????

A: Due to the recent information that Nate Robinson is being traded to the Sacramento Kings, these shoes will definitly never touch the light of day. These are priceless in the shoe world. He is a future hall of famer. Thanks -Babooose

Isn't that going a bit far ?
That's why Spud Webb's a HOF obviouslyyy...oh, wait.
Me thinks its bogus, he's got a couple of never paid, never replied in his feedback...hardly what I'd consider trustworthy, and feedback of 1 for the winner? BOGUS BOGUS BOGUS!
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