Nic Nat mailday 5 years in the making.


Cairns, QLD
Real Name
eBay User
Bought a redemption off eBay about when this set came out, but it was just before I sharply decided this hobby was costing too much and everything got packed up and put away.

Fast forward to this year, and I'm finally going through the tubs of unsorted cards when I find it again... I hadn't even sorted it into my West Coast PC box. Off to Select it went, fingers crossed they still had it.

Lovely cards those I remember when you could buy off Select and they had stock .I purchased one box of each Certified . Received the card you have in one box and a Trent Cotchin equivalent in the other which was pretty lucky.
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Lovely cards those I remember when you could of buy off Select and they had stock .I purchased one box of each Certified . Received the card you have in one box and a Trent Cotchin equivalent in the other which was pretty lucky.
The Cotchin equivalent is still to this day the pride off my collection.
Hard to find now and if you do, you are paying a pretty penny for it.
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