What your team should GIVE UP to get Judd !


Perth, WA
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eBay User
There has been a bit of Judd Trade talk here recently so I thought I might start a post to see just what people would be happy for thier team to give up in order to get Judd.

So what will it be guys ???
Man you guys aren't taking this serious........I didn't say what old hacks & draft pick would you offer :lol:

Ling - Hard working Midfielder
King - Replace Gardiner
Steve Johnson/James Kelly- Bit of bait
1st Round Pick - Pick 7 or 8.


Chris Judd
Michael Gardiner (Is he still contracted:confused: )
2nd Round Pick
well if Judd demands to go to a certain team and they will only give up a certain few players than youd have to comply or get nothing for him. But he still has 1 year in his contract. :cool: so he may play his final year and sign to another club and you get nothing. if at the end of the year he says he will be returning to Melbourne i imagine he would get traded this year.
who know's, he might also be a player that wants to play his career out at 1 club but i hope thats not the case. :lol:
white_chocolate_55 said:
you win...

i wouldnt give up more than

bolton + draft pick early round
Do you not like Judd or something?

I'd give up Welsh, Laycock & Lucas for him. And no, I'm not joking.
LOL - If the WCE even went NEAR that offer (The Geelong one) they would be MAD !!

Besides we don't need to replace Gardiner !
MetallicA' said:
well if Judd demands to go to a certain team and they will only give up a certain few players than youd have to comply or get nothing for him. But he still has 1 year in his contract. :cool: so he may play his final year and sign to another club and you get nothing. if at the end of the year he says he will be returning to Melbourne i imagine he would get traded this year.
who know's, he might also be a player that wants to play his career out at 1 club but i hope thats not the case. :lol:

You don't get it dude......if he does want to go he won't leave the WCE in the sh*t.......even if he plays on next year (to the end) it doesn't mean the WCE will get nothing ! All he has to do is say...trade me to one of these three teams and BINGO the WCE have leaverage ! The only way WCE will get nothing is if he disagrees who the WCE want to trade him to.
I know that, Judd wouldnt do that to the team/state that have adopted him as one of their own. Maybe your right :rolleyes:

I would probally give:
Cam Bruce, Brad Green, Brad Miller and a 1st Round Draft Pick
Chris Judd, 2nd Round Draft Pick

Id love to see
Judd, TJohnstone, B.McLean, Jmac running our midfield!!
This is what I think...

McVeigh + Welsh + Hille + 1st round Draft Pick


Judd + Gardner

otherwise, the only team I think could capture judd would be.. the lions..

so there would have to be a 3way trade

S. Black --> West Coast
Brodie Holland --> West Coast
Robert Copeland --> West Coast
Lockyer --> West Coast

Chris Tarrant --> Brisbane
Gardner --> Brisbane
Swan --> Brisbane

Judd --> Collingwood
McDougall --> Collingwood
West Coast 2nd rnd pick --> Collingwood
white_chocolate_55 said:
This is what I think...

McVeigh + Welsh + Hille + 1st round Draft Pick


Judd + Gardner

otherwise, the only team I think could capture judd would be.. the lions..

so there would have to be a 3way trade

S. Black --> West Coast
Brodie Holland --> West Coast
Robert Copeland --> West Coast
Lockyer --> West Coast

Chris Tarrant --> Brisbane
Gardner --> Brisbane
Swan --> Brisbane

Judd --> Collingwood
McDougall --> Collingwood
West Coast 2nd rnd pick --> Collingwood

Nope I think Richmond could get him with Coughlan, Gaspar & 1st Round Draft pick !
Yeah but he is a good midfielder who is from WA......I remember when WCE picked Judd.....I was SPEWING I wanted Polak but I guess they got it right but the whole I want to go home thing STILL annoys me from the Gherig days.....and more recently McConnell to the Kangaroos !
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