What does everyone spend??


Gold Coast Titans Collector
Gold Coast, Queensland
Real Name
Just a curious little post to what everyone spends on cards, I'm just the average collector spend around $50 a fortnight... Just studding out if most people sit around the same or more or less etc..
Haha far too much

For a while I was averaging $200-$300 a week on dacardworld orders, thankfully the Hockey lockout meant fewer releases this season. Plus I'm into my second season of Hockey cards, so I'm a bit wiser on what releases to go for.

Been picking up a lot of singles lately so I'm probably averaging $50-$100 a week. Lately I've been putting about $60 a fortnight into my COMC account too, mainly buying a lot of lower end inserts and then shipping them out in bulk.
well what i spend depends on what i bring in. i collect signed cards, as in IP autos. and i buy the ones i need to complete sets at the back end when im close to completing the set, and the money i use for that comes from selling spare IP autos.

lately i have been spending way to much though. spent 2k + on game used jerseys over the last 3 weeks.
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