Thoughts on kyrie Irving not wanting to get the covid 19 vaccination


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Just read an article where kyrie is reluctant to get the Vax. Personally, I think it's a bit selfish of him considering he knows one of his team mates has a heart condition (Lamarcus Aldridge). Your thoughts #
Kyrie is as mad as a hatter, loves a conspiracy theory. I rate his game highly but he dropped the ball on this. For me the only excuses not to get the vax is its not immediately available where you are or you have a health issue. Suck it up like Wiggins and in turn keep those around you safer.
Just read an article where kyrie is reluctant to get the Vax. Personally, I think it's a bit selfish of him considering he knows one of his team mates has a heart condition (Lamarcus Aldridge). Your thoughts #
That’s a great point. Haven’t previously thought about that.
The longer he is in the news the more I dislike him. I became a bit of a fan due to Uncle Drew but sheesh, has to be the most dislikeable players in decades lol
Kyrie did a great job at tarnishing his legacy. This guy is trying to be a voice for those that don't have a voice (his words, not mine), yet declines to answer questions regarding his decision to reporters, or hits them with the #1 catchphrase for flogs/selfish anti-vaxxers "it's a personal decision". I'm utterly sick of this narcissistic man-child and will be over the moon when he retires, then will be frustrated again when he comes out of retirement a year later due to the lack of attention he's received. Rant over.
At least Kyrie has a reason. Ben Simmons is sitting out games because his feelings are hurt 😢
I'll be the dissenting view here but I think it should be up to him what he wants to put in his body. Personal responsibility.

If he doesn't want it, that's his decision and he has to understand there are consequences for that.

The old jab will protect him if he were to get sick and lessen the symptoms (and the odds of him getting very sick from it would be low anyway - I mean he is an athlete after all).

But it doesn't stop him from getting the old Rona and it may reduce him from passing it on. I'm from the view if you want to protect yourself do it, if not then you know what the risks are.

Agree with the above. But to give up your whole career over the jab, seems a bit much to me.

maybe we can see him in the NBL lol
Agree with the above. But to give up your whole career over the jab, seems a bit much to me.

maybe we can see him in the NBL lol

I heard someone say the other day...... Magic Johnson was able to play in the NBA whilst HIV Positive yet a player like Kyrie or even Jonathan Issac for the Magic (who already had Covid and doesn't want the jab as he has natural immunity) may not be able to play in some games because of not having the jab.

As Issac said..... he has to stay away from his teammates in some places, miss out on team meetings, cant eat with his team yet as soon as the whistle goes he can run up and down the court sharing a ball with other players and high five/hug his team mates etc. but once time is up has to stay away from them again.

Just seems like madness to me.
I heard someone say the other day...... Magic Johnson was able to play in the NBA whilst HIV Positive yet a player like Kyrie or even Jonathan Issac for the Magic (who already had Covid and doesn't want the jab as he has natural immunity) may not be able to play in some games because of not having the jab.

As Issac said..... he has to stay away from his teammates in some places, miss out on team meetings, cant eat with his team yet as soon as the whistle goes he can run up and down the court sharing a ball with other players and high five/hug his team mates etc. but once time is up has to stay away from them again.

Just seems like madness to me.
Whoever made that Magic Johnson comparison is pretty ignorant. You're not contracting AIDS through playing basketball against someone who does.
I think he’s being a contrarian - he has developed ODD or something maybe.

if he didn’t have a big contract or big career earnings so far would he do it?

he wants to be speak up for the people but says he’s just a hooper but he’ll use his platform.

I hope he follows through and retires just go away Kyrie
I look forward to the day Irving retires. Most polarising sportsman on the planet imo. I should cut him some slack as he clearly struggles with mental health issues but he comes across as such an incredibly obnoxious bloke it's difficult to even do that. I'd support Brooklyn if it weren't for him. KD is simply awesome and I'd love to see him win a chip with the Nets - it's a shame Irving came in the deal.
I look forward to the day Irving retires. Most polarising sportsman on the planet imo. I should cut him some slack as he clearly struggles with mental health issues but he comes across as such an incredibly obnoxious bloke it's difficult to even do that. I'd support Brooklyn if it weren't for him. KD is simply awesome and I'd love to see him win a chip with the Nets - it's a shame Irving came in the deal.
Agree on all points, i'm following the Nets closely this year with Mills on board now.
Just shows you how closely I follow basketball. I didn't know Mills had left the Spurs. Go Nets!

Get rid of Irving and let Mills start. Enough of this best 6th man crap. Let Mills start.
Late to this discussion but my 2c...

His choice, his decision. If he's not committing a crime by not getting the vax, then he's welcome to do whatever he wants. As Matt said above, he just needs to be aware of the consequences and be willing to incur them (which, to this point, it sounds like he is).

It's a complex situation because we're looking at it from the perspective of fans, some with an interest in the Nets, some with an interest in enjoying the entertainment of the NBA - but at the end of the day he's just another human being and he has freedom to choose.

I'm not anti-vax by any means, but I think of it just how I do any other person in society. I don't have to agree with your decision, or the reasoning behind your decision, to believe that while the vaccine is not "mandatory" for broader society, you have a right to choose what you want.

If he starts complaining about the consequences, that's another thing...
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