The longest Walking Dead Comic S2 break ever...


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eBay User

This is my first ever post on this site, and it's also my first ever box break.

To be honest, it's only been a couple of weeks from when I found my old card collection. Going through some boxes, I had found my old green folder admist a tray of Micro Machines, some year books and a few too many Hit Machine CD's (what was I thinking?!?). There I rediscovered about a hundred or so cards. Quite a few cards from random series' in varying qualities: some X-Files cards; Jurassic Park; and even Mask cards, but also my prides and joys, the almost complete Simpsons Series 2 and X-Men Fleer 95's - each one tucked away in Ultra Pro sleeves in what looks like mint condition. I don't remember much from that time, being in my very early teens and all, but I still got a kick out of pouring over each one again and I knew I wanted to finish what a much younger me had started.

So I started looking to fill in the gaps. Heading around the few local stores I just turned up empty, one guy even laughed me off because 'nobody does cards anymore', but I still had to find them. A few bucks on eBay completed my Batman Returns cards including all the golds, and hopefully a small box will be delivered soon with some X-men's I've never seen before - although 3 weeks after payment I'm starting to loose faith. But most importantly, I finally got to see the last few Scratch'n Sniff and Wiggle cards from the Simpsons S2 be added to my green folder. After 20 years, I was closer to finishing that series than I had ever been, the collection was almost done, however the last few cards unfortunately still remain missing. As much as I can dream, the cost is just too high. Still, the collecting bug remained...

Late one night I was surfing away looking for a few more cards and I came across this site, box breaks and the mention of online stores I'd never heard of before selling new cards from current shows!

I dug around and found the Walking Dead Season 2 Comics. I was a long time fan of the show, hearing about it months before it aired and I had followed every scrap of news I could find about it until it was finally on. I've been hooked ever since. I read the first comic at the time but I stopped because I didn't want to spoil the show (now I wish I had gone out a brought as many of the original comics as I could - knowing what they are worth now!). During the recent break in season 4, I found the comics again through the compendium and am about 40 in and loving it - so the S2 Walking Dead cards were the ones for me.

A little over a week later, 2 brand new unopened boxes arrived and here we are. So what about the box break?

Well, I've decided I'm doing this a one a little different to the others on here. When I was young, I'd imagined I would be rich, fit and famous. Well famous ain't going to happen, and I can pay the bills which is better than alot of unlucky people, but I never ever really got fit. I'm not that overweight though I should loose a few kg's. Mostly, I have never done anything physical since primary school and it's always been bugging me and my to do list.

With that in mind, a few days ago I decided I would only open a new packet on a day that I exercised.

Day 1 I only managed 5 push ups and a couple of sit-ups but I had started.
Day 2 saw 7 push ups and 10 sit ups
Day 3 was alot of yard work. 2+ hours in the sun pushing the lawn mower counts? Felt like it did afterwards.
Day 4 (today when the cards arrived) was 10 push ups and 20 sit ups.

For the first time in about 20 years, I opened a new packet of trading cards - well, 4 new packets!

Cards from the base were: 4, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 22, 26, 35, 36, 37, 39, 42, 48, 50, 55, 61, 68, 70
Sketch card: Luke Smarto


I know this is a pretty long winded post and if it's not for you, then there's plenty more on the net to see. I'll try and come back and post every day with the latest cards, assuming I can keep this up. 4 down, 44 to go.

I don't expect to enter body building contests or be the next Subway poster boy after this, but maybe I can achieve what a young version of me wanted. Health, happiness and some complete trading card collections.

Thanks for the welcome!
Day 5: had a friend coach on how pushups are meant to be done, back to 3 but pushed through til 25 sit ups.

More base set: 11, 46, 65, 23, 40

Card 40 is good looking card and the comic for that episode has a few different turns in it than the show...
So, I haven't updated in a few days as I figure my personal mission is not really of interest to most people, but I still have been at it!

Day 6: Was away from home and ended up trekking 5kms. Body was sore so felt this was better anyways.
Base set cards: 2, 32, 53, 59 and a silvery foil version of 64 - looks really cool

Day 7: 4 pushups, 25 situps
Base set cards: 15, 57, 30, 45 and the checklist card

Day 8: 5 pushups, 25 situps
Case set cards: 12, 47, 33, 60
Quotable card: 8 - this is a pretty gnarly looking card. I won't go into detail or post as it's further along from where the TV show is, but for those who have read the comics, it's from about chapter 60 ish of the incident between Carl and Daniel

Day 9: 7 pushups, 25 situps - couldn't get past 25!! Kept getting a cramp in my stomach as soon as I hit 20.
Base set cards: 5, 25, 56, 71, 34

Day 10: rest day - no cards opened

Day 11: 9 pushups, 35 situps
Base set cards: 10, 45, 22, 39, 50 - Lots of doubles - bound to happen...

Day 12: 11 pushups, 40 situps
Base set cards: 41, 52, 17, 3, 54 - more doubles!!

So that was a couple of days ago. I have continued on but I don't have my notes with me to update any more and so I don't hijack this forum everyday I'll only post once a week or so.

It's a great feeling knowing that about 2 weeks ago I could barely do anything exercise wise and in that time I've also lost a kilo or two. To see some progress so early on is really encouraging and I actually look forward to getting home, doing a little exercise and opening up new cards each day... Plus it's made me really consider finding a more serious workout program.

So far so good!
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