The health/nutrition thread


u18's WABL
Western Australia
Real Name
G'day fellas,
Surely there's a few of my fellow health freaks on here.
Footy season is just around the corner so, I'm currently bulking and have gained about 2kg's of pure muscle over the past 3 weeks, I'm expecting the gains to slow in the near future though. I've been aiming for 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight and have been undergoing a diet rich in protein and complex carbs. I've been attending the gym between 4-5 days a week on a 2 day split program and playing basketball on my off days for a anywhere between 40 minutes to 2 hours.

I'm hoping to be around the 78kg - 80kg (6'0) mark by the time footy season rolls around (currently 74kg). Wishful thinking but I'm pretty damn determined so we'll see how I go haha.

I also just completed the intermediate vertical jump bible program and my vert increased from 26' to 34' so yeah pretty happy with that!!
Grabbing the ring with ease and would have liked to dunk this coming season but building up a good strength base for football is a priority for now.

What are your goals?
Also feel free to ask questions about anything, I feel I have quite a good base of knowledge regarding nutrition and training for a range of goals/needs.
i have also started to do some training for the upcoming footy season, and im keeping up my training for my basketball and cricket mid season breaks.
sometimes i really hate pre season training though lol

A freindly word of advice - take it or leave it
Rest days are extremely important if you are doing a bodybuilding program.
Your rest days are your body's oportunity to heal (grow).
I think you should reconsider playing sports on your rest days. You would more than likely see improvements in your (gym) results if you had rest days that were just that (resting!).
You would also be less likely to pick up injuries that come as a result of exercising stiff/sore muscles.
yup amen brother...

Your body needs a rest to repair, remember every time you work out you are tearing muscle and by it repairing thats where you get growth from. Also it effects your immune system and you will get sick more often which puts you out of action and it snowballs.

Yep im with you there, i've done a course in Personal Training and the rest is the most important thing i feel for both muscle repairing (growth), injury prevention and general health. But yeah im only just getting back into the weights the last month or two and really enjoying it again trying to bulk up just for more strength playing basketball. Im 6'2" and 87kg wouldnt mind hitting the 90kg in the next bit, but not busting a gut on it though
You can try this:

Go 3 sets of 8 reps for each exercise, do exercises in the order written:

Chin-ups (alternate hands facing towards you, away from you each workout)

Is a really basic/old school work out, but will hit most muscles in your body.
You can add weights to your chin-ups and dips as they get too easy.
whats up man? nice work with your program, id stick with it for a while and see how your gains go, 2kg of muscle in 3 weeks is an awesome gain, train hard and make sure you get enough rest.
I used to super set, but at the time I was mainly aiming at 'lean' muscle and endurance, as I did a lot of long distance running.

Now I (am meant to) do gym twice a week. Similar workouts, with slight changes:

dips / rope pull downs
bench / incline dumbell press
chin ups / seated row
preacher curls / hammer curls (dumbell)

And so on.
Do you guys have 1 set routine or a split routine? Also super setting or not?

I like to change it up man, I probably super set every workout, not on all my exersices and sets but on at least 1 body part per workout, especially arms and chest.
Haha yeah I'm aware of the rest days and their importance but its school holidays and if I'm not out and about having a bodyboard at scabbs or playing 3 on 3 at claisebrooke I get bored haha. I figure I have about 3 months to put the size on and all the basketball so far has been pretty low key with quite a few breaks in between. I've been eating extremely well and consuming well over a gram/pound of protein for the past month and half so hopefully thats accelerating the recovery. I plan on taking almost 2 weeks of complete rest prior to commencing pre season training and hopefully that will be adequate time for my body to be at its best for the next 8 months of torture .

It's hardly a 'bodybuilding' program either (I'm 74kg geeez ), alot more isolation exercises that are well spaced over the split. When school starts and I no longer have hours and hours of time on my hands to be active I'll start compound lifting and try to build a really solid base for footy and state basketball.

But thanks for the heads-up man.
Always good to have a few pointers here and there