Stephen Jackson seeking trade to contender


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Golden State Warriors forward Stephen Jackson seeking trade to Cleveland Cavaliers, among others - ESPN

If he goes to the Cavs then they would be amazing. Don't know who they'll give up for Captain Jack though. Delonte? Doesn't really sound like a huge upgrade to me if that happens.

LMK your thoughts on this.
I hear Monta may be the one that is going rather than Stephen..... apparently him & Nelson don't get along very well & they're very high on Curry.

I'd ship out Nelson before I got rid of Monta, that's for sure.
I hear Monta may be the one that is going rather than Stephen..... apparently him & Nelson don't get along very well & they're very high on Curry.

I'd ship out Nelson before I got rid of Monta, that's for sure.

imagine GS without nellie... i mean their roster is pretty good... they've got curry and ellis at the backcourt.. randolph and biedrins frontcourt.. that's pretty good! but nellie's killing that team with everyplayer wanting to move out
Also read this morning that the Mavs are in discussion with the Warriors for Ellis. The warriors want curry to run their backcourt.
Jack's still got some game, posted up some damn nice numbers last season.
It would be nice to see Morrow and Curry come into their own and the only way thats going to happen is if the more experianced players start to move. Maggette is the real problem with Golden State and we have to ship his ass off before we can make any real progress.

He's got game, but is it the type of game that meshes with a contenders ideals? Any contender isn't looking for a team leader to come in, only role players. can he take a backseat role? Time will tell.
hmmm....yeah id have to say thinking about it - he would fit in with the cavs - if they traded West for have to remember West and Williams are very similar having Jackson and Williams would be a better combo (plus Jackson has more size)...thing is I don’t know if he would Start or come off the bench if he goes to the Cavs...would you start Moon?...and judging by his attitude (he also kind of reminds me of JR Rider in his day) he might not like coming off the bench....but....he would bring championship experience with shaq
I think if Randolph translates his summer league form to the regular season, Jackson is suddenly expendable - If he keeps his head on straight he'd help anyone.
In Golden States run'n'gun small ball system they usually throw Randolph in at PF. He is only 20 and doesn't yet have the outside shot that a wing player needs, especially playing for the Warriors.
Also read this morning that the Mavs are in discussion with the Warriors for Ellis. The warriors want curry to run their backcourt.

Yeah i read that too! I hope it's true I'd love to have him at Dallas who would mavs trade away? Apparently it might actually not take to much things are that bad...Howard is an untouchable at the moment. Wouldn't want Jackson though already got Howard, Marion, Dirk for that kind of size

Word now is that Dallas have shifted focus to Jackson, and it could be Jason Terry for Jackson.