Premier League Fans?


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Hey i duno if this has been asked b4 or not but being a big championship manager geek i love my Premier League i go for Manchester City and i love it when we beat Man U (altho that doesnt happen very often) maybe one day i will get to see the city in Euro Cup hah i think im dreaming there Also it was good to hear that Australia beat Bahrain in the Asian Cup Quals the further we get the better hopefully we can kick some but in the world cup too! wish i could have watched the game but 3am isnt the best time to be watching tv when i have to work at 9 lol

was there an actual question in there???:shock:
Yes I am a premier league fan! I hope that was the question!

I have supported Manchester United since I was 5 years old. Lately I have been following Colchester United from League One as my old school and soccer team mate plays for them He has to be an outside chance for the Socceroos Squad as he's in form and playing regular soccer in Europe.

Here is a few pics from Sunday's game against Chelsea where he caused Jose a few un-expected headaches...
His name is Richard Garcia...


Followed them since the 1985 FA Cup Final... when i was 4.... back then it was more I like blue more than yellow... & it helped that The Toffees did with the darn thing.
Chiller said:
no wonder nobody likes me ur all Man U fans

LOl I can't say I liek you or don't like you... DUNNO you...

and hey I'll let you in on a little secret... Man City are my second fave team

There is a reason but I totally can't remember why now....
haha i was only screwing around yeh i guess most ppl here would say they dont know me i dont say much very often
justdabestcards said:
great performances from both on the CL the other night - two upset winners

Yeh, I was actually suprised to not concede any goals at the Bernabeu. Gotta keep a clean sheet though back home, knowing our form at the moment, it's a 50/50 situation.

While Barca on the other hand, is kicking ass. Eto'o scored a great goal!!
yep, im with you henkita, go the Gunners! im kind of forced into being a West Ham supporter too cos my Dad was born there and is a die hard fan.

I used to be a big Juventus fan as well, havent really been following their progress lately though.
Your old man may have heard of my mate Garcia JZA. He is a former Hammer. Part of their youth team with Frank Lampard and Joe Cole
Go Blackburn Rovers!!!

Followed them since 97', try and watch them as much as possible!!

Good season it has been for our lads. Lookin for a Euro berth, what an effort that would be.