Post whores


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Just out of curiosity, who here is the biggest post whore (ie post per day).

I'm guessing I'm pretty tame by standards as I'm only at around 2.5 (but well on the way up).

I know there are some people in the teens, show yourselves ;).
im at about 12.51 per day...

Ithink someone like buyingstuffformikelee would have the highest...or maybe Jimbo
Again, a post about post whores not started by Richo astounds me! :blink:

But, I don't think you're a post whore if most of the posts you make have something interesting or constructive to do with them, posts that educate and entertain (just like a Bruce Willis movie).. Which I guess leaves the majority of us out ;)
haha thats so some of you that average more than you have no life? lol...this is a cool site and all but do you seriously spend hours on end on here per day?....15 posts a day is HEAPS man lol

nanda...dude you have 5,479 in 12 months! lol....thats off the charts man lol
haha thats so some of you that average more than you have no life? lol...this is a cool site and all but do you seriously spend hours on end on here per day?....15 posts a day is HEAPS man lol

nanda...dude you have 5,479 in 12 months! lol....thats off the charts man lol

I have 3 kids and work shift work,so to answer that question, nope :(
Again, a post about post whores not started by Richo astounds me! :blink:

But, I don't think you're a post whore if most of the posts you make have something interesting or constructive to do with them, posts that educate and entertain (just like a Bruce Willis movie).. Which I guess leaves the majority of us out ;)

Constructive, and Bruce Willis Movies shouldnt go together in the same sentence.....

But to answer the question about having a life, you try sitting on your arse with your leg in the air, and having nothing but internet, and TV... lol.

But then again, it only takes 10 mins to rack up a handful of posts, so it's really no big deal. :thumbsup:
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