Orlando dad demands an apologoy after game 4.


On the way back!
Real Name
John Holmes
Some one get this guy a tissue.

He demands his son get the same rights that Baby gets despite the fact that Baby is the reason they are all there. He is the pro basketball on the basketball court worth millions and his son just a spectator.

Stand on the sidelines that close to the court when play is a few feet from you if you cop a whack its your own fault. What next, o diving into the stands for lose balls as you might flatten someone's hotdog?

I'm surprised the NBA/Celtics/Davis hasn't been sued..........yet.

I have a feeling that if an apology isn't forthcoming we may see a few lawyers get involved.

Cmon now, that is weak as piss. I'm sure the pain of your team losing to a buzzer beater would be far greater than that of the guy who took the winning jumpshot giving you a slap on the back.

Is that what D12 was angry about at the end of the game?
I'm just watching it again, and think I'll retract my comments earlier.

I thought I saw someone fall in a seat from the "shove".

It does look to me now, like Davis just tried to bypass the kid, and not actually shove him.
What is a spectator doing so close to the court anyway !?

If you are that close during a game then anything is possible IMO

It was such a huge shot from a young player on the other teams floor, of course the adrenalin would be pumping !!!

I dont even go for the celtics and would have preferred to see the Magic win but that finish even had my heart racing a bit (clapping in appreciation of that last second shot)

If Davis had of run through the "spectator" without shifting the right shoulder then perhaps some crying would be warranted

Funny reading and thanks for sharing it
Geez, someone get the guy a spoon of cement. I'm certain that if it had been a Magic player hitting the winning shot and running past his son the guy wouldn't be having a cry about it.
man o man some ppl just need to get a life, the kid didnt break in half... its not enough for this guy to be sitting COURTSIDE for an nba playoff game (which most of us here would do just about anything to experience) but he now wants to complain and carry on like a two bob watch!!

the hulking man that davis is, just hit a game winner, prob something he's never done, let alone a playoff buzzer beater and this guy is trying to steal his thunder and get his 5 mins of fame. big baby was obviously ecstatic and partially oblivious to what was around him due to sheer joy and excitement

realistically the fans should have been sitting down and NOT standing, but understandably just like big baby, the fans too were excited with the drama of it all and found it hard to contain themselves which is why i find it even harder to understand that this dad is complaining... the fans put themselves in the line of fire by standing where they were

that father is simply a one man toolkit
When i first saw the footage of the shot on fox sports, i noticed the poor kid and thought to myself "hmmmm that would have hurt" now its come up in the media im not surprised at all.

Having said that, just apologise and get it over with really, ok if u knock over a fan going for a loose ball fair enough, but that push could have been avoided.

Its actually quite interesting he does everything in his power to avoid the ref so avoiding the spectator should have also been possible.

Good point. An apology is nott too much to ask for, as pumped as he was, still not an excuse.
The guy has made a big deal out of nothing, but id an apology to much trouble? He did shove the kid, while no where near what the father is claiming, still have scare th kid...

I didnt think saying sorry was that big of a deal for an incident like this?
Some people just dont have good brain!

There's no way that BBD shoved that kid with the intent to hurt him... He actually saved the boy from getting crushed by the BULL like body of BBD!

So for the dad to ask for an apology is just publicity... Its free and his company gets a mention by the media... Then again, he probably got a brain after all...