NBA on One HD tonight.

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There is a game on show tonight it looks like, on One HD / Digital.

"NBA: Hall of Fame Match"

10pm-12 middnight.

It is Game 6 of the 1997 NBA Finals.

Cool, thanks Ersk! I'll probably forget, but it'd be good to see some NBA action.

I read on an One HD ad, that they're playing 3 games a week? Might be time to invest in that HD HDD Recorder I've always wanted... lol.
Brian Williams before his Bison Dele days! damnnnn...
Bulls played sooooo bad in that first quarter...jeepers. Can't even remember seeing a team in a Finals playing that bad. No box outs, poor passes, bad shot selection, poor defense.
im annoying the crap out of my gf.....i know exactly what is going to happen on almost every she has gone to bed...
my missus is about to go to bed too, I thought she would like watching it especially since we went & watch the GC Blaze game tonite.
Longley FTJ!!!!!!!!!!! (For The Jaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmmm!!!):lol:

---------- Post added 02-10-2009 at 11:25 PM ----------

my missus is about to go to bed too, I thought she would like watching it especially since we went & watch the GC Blaze game tonite.

how was the game mate?, seen you's got the win
how was the crowd, what you make of the teams etc? wasn't even Game 6, it was Game 5 of the 97 NBA Finals. :( Pretty good still, MJ with the game winning 3.
i recorded it on my IQ. was pretty cool to watch the old school stuff.

has anybody seen the history of the bulls dvd? its like 4 discs, runs through each finals game and gives an insight to everything.
how was the game mate?, seen you's got the win
how was the crowd, what you make of the teams etc?

Id never been to a Blaze game before. It was a really good atmosphere in the 2nd half & in the last 3-4mins the crowd was going nuts cause it was so close.
I hadnt been to an NBL game since the mid 90s. From what I saw last night they definately dont have the calibur of players that used to be around.
Overall but I had a good time & definately guuna check out as many home games as possible. Great venue too.
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