My GWS/ Gold Coast Collection

Haha well played mate, thats awesome! wish a few of my mates got the draft sigs as i would have grabbed theirs off them ahaha and unfortunately i suspect i dont have the money for the card so not much use me making an offer =( sorry mate
Haha well played mate, thats awesome! wish a few of my mates got the draft sigs as i would have grabbed theirs off them ahaha and unfortunately i suspect i dont have the money for the card so not much use me making an offer =( sorry mate
I probably dont want as much as you think

Who are the players you know that did sigs?
nah i played witha fair few at gold coast and know a few at GWS who i played against but they were all pre listed or the 17 year old consession pickups so no draft signature cards =(
Nice also keen I have a Jamie Cripps one ended up in a packet.

Also with my collection Im Missing the 2 wildcards from teamcoach dps congolio and a few from the new set. Not collecting the pre AFL stuff its to hard lol. Swallow missing the wildcard from last year think thats it
Do you have Jamie Cripps "Player" John?
oh ok fair enough mate, yeah i have collected ALL cards as i am nearly complete and wanted something to do hahaha Started on draft prospects lately, got a fair few to go but got some cards to use to trade for them so hopefully i can pick a few more up as the year goes on!! And cant wait for the whitefield draft sig, should be a ripper!!!
Also picked up a ward mirror in my box break which i was pretty stoked with! always good when you dont have to trade to bring a card in
very nice mate, im still after a swallow but was able to swap for the majority of cards i needed! Still have a few caricatures to acquire but thats about it =)