Most Improved on the other hand.... Diaw should definately get it!

A guy who was brought in as a 6-8 SG, starting at C for half the season.... doing the things he's done. Although there might be a lack of inconsitency that could jeapodise his chances....
jvalles69 said:
And if you wanna go for the team thing, he led a shite team to the finals, what more can you ask for?

how about leading a team without a franchise player to the 3rd best record in the west?

he doesnt make his team mates better, he's not a leader. what records has he got this season? nash makes his teammates btter the same way MJ did.
reign40 said:
Mavs could take spurs dude, they ain't shit!!

I say winner of LA/Suns series should decide league MVP - Kobe/Nash, know what I'm saying

Then Kobe might get it... The Lakers could win ths series... with Kobe Alone.... :D Nash got the suns to the playoffs because of his supporting cast... Kobe got the lakers into the playoffs by himself if you would ask me. ;) But we'll wait and see...
dammit, lakers take game 2 in a tight one. would have been a blow out but nash had a blinder and bell came up big down the stretch. both candidates for MVP had great games.

Kobe: 29pts 10rb 5as
Nash: 29 pts 7rb 9 as

not a good game to lose for the suns, we gotta go steal one in the forum next game.
JZA said:
how about leading a team without a franchise player to the 3rd best record in the west?

he doesnt make his team mates better, he's not a leader. what records has he got this season? nash makes his teammates btter the same way MJ did.

Sorry bout that... My mistake. He only got 5 assist :D

But I don't think MJ made his teammates better. He won those championships because he was the greatest individual player in basketball history and he got Pippen to do it. With-out Pippen it would be impossible for him to win 6 championships. Maybe 2 is possible... I think it was in 98, on their way to their 6th championship, Pippen was injured before or early in the season and MJ could not carry the load by himself. He has a very good supporting cast who understand/accepted their own roles plus a Great coach which is coincidentally coaching Kobe :) All the Lakers need now is the supporting cast. A very good defensive center, maybe Bogut in 3 years time ;)

Kobe is almost the same as he is... MJ takes as many shots as he wants like Kobe... but MJ is MJ and Kobe is Kobe as Lebron is Lebron. They all have similarity but each one is having their own name Stamped in Basketball History...
nash shouldnt get MVP... he's only just the most valuable player on his own team (marion) where would the suns be without marions 20 n 10 odd per.. my vote is either dirk or kobe.. dirk's got no-one in Dallas.. stackhouse, who is an almost ghost of his old self, a point gaurd who is more like the next marbury (alltho he is improving) yet dallas still pushed the spurs who were absoloutely stocked at almost every pos for the best record in the league..

and diaw for MIP easily.. knew that half way thru the season.. alltho david west improved considerably as-well
Shihad said:
I don't agree with Diaw being pretty much a shoe-in for Most Improved. I reckon it'll be a lot closer between Diaw and West than most people think.

I do agree with you shihad! But the thing is, he helped the Suns big time to get where they are now... And that will be the decider on this. It would be very close though...:D
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