Met JJ Redick Yesterday!!!!!!!!!


Florida, USA
Real Name
So after finally tracking JJ down, i got him to sign all the cards i had brought of him. There was only about 20-30 people in line and i went through twice, second time to get the pic. i wish i would have brought all my redick cards but what can ya do. i was very happy with what i got. especially the Full court gu card.

When i went up to him i told him i wish he had more playing time, and he laughed and said "Me too".

Should have rubbed the sruface down with eraser cause it came out shotty.

On this card he said they caught him at a bad time because of his face.

And now my favorite cards.

And my most favorite!!!!!

One of the Nicest In-Person Autographed Cards i have!
Great story Travis!!! Darn I wish I knew you found out about that sooner. I still have that SI cover W/Adam Morrison on it that I still need to get him on along with an 8x10. I hope you remember that SI cover I showed you last season lol.

That is shocking that he did multiples for you. Last season from the collectors I talked to up here if you were lucky, he might sign 1 item for you. When I chased after the Magic in Cleveland last season, he signed for this one idiot collector at the hotel in the morning and would not sign for anyone else at the hotel going to the game and at the game. I am guessing his attitude changed on signing???

Anyhow overall the 2 players on the Magic I have the most trouble with so far are Battie and Redick. That is tight he did multiples for you though good job!!!