Lebron - The Decision - Miami it is

Re: Lebron - The Decision

Im not a fan of Bron at all now after all of the "look at me and where im signing" crap, he already had everyone's attention, seriously why'd he have to go and do this! Just all a big money grab trying to be the first billion dollar athlete or whatever his trying to do, the guys a jerk and I hope he never wins a ring

^^^ Real Talk :)
Re: Lebron - The Decision

yup.. durant did it right... all about basketball... not trying to build an empire... or get his crappy marketing company off the ground!

is it over yet??? what the hell is he going to do for 1 hour??? scratch his bum infront of everyone?

He should have also taken a leaf out of his hero MJ's book....when he made his comeback.....the power of the simple statement......"I'm back".

That's all you need.....unfortunately for Lebron he hasn't even been there yet to go back!!
Re: Lebron - The Decision

^^ thats right.. Lebron hasn't Won anything yet!! unless you count back to back regular season MVP's and back to back Regular Season Records lol
Re: Lebron - The Decision

dammit!!!! Woulda loved to see him in Chitown. Where will that leave the Cavs now? Is Miami an instant champion team?
Re: Lebron - The Decision

really!! wow!! heat!! omg... it is all sinking in. ring!! bosh!! wade!! miami!! gosh!!

EDIT: cleveland can kiss goodbye the playoffs this season
Re: Lebron - The Decision

What a cop out!!! I hope he never wins a championshsip. Even if he wins 10 rings he'll never be in the same league as MJ. Now the Heat have no money to bring in the role players around them. He has lost any respect he had left with me.
Re: Lebron - The Decision

boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bron

that new cavs owner MUST have known something cause he would have just lost 75% value of the franchise no way they would have bought it knowing he would leave
Re: Lebron - The Decision

as a few espn people have said tho, Miami have a big 3 like Boston did but what about they back up guys? They gonna take the big 3 and 9 min contract guys? Beasley gone? How will Wade and Bron gel? I know there friends and all and done the whole team USA thing but for 82 + games...sure will be interesting. I think the east should be locked up for them but still interesting.
Lebron to Miami

Now the decision has been made what are your thoughts on the team dynamics, how will Bron fit into the team with Wade and Bosh?

While im not a big fan of Bron as a person his talent does speak for itself and teamed up with Wade and Bosh is going to be a leathal combination.

For this team to work i think LBJ is going to have to take a back seat in the scoring maybe become more of a defensive player and assister, which he's easily capable of being a triple double player leaving Wade for to the scoring and Bosh to be Bosh.

Your thoughts?

Personally i can't wait to see this team on the court together (Would have prefered them to all be at the Bulls but at the same time this is truely the biggest star studded team in NBA history)

*Edit* Mods please conbine mine and Nissandrivers threads, posted the same time ;)
Re: Lebron - The Decision

totally agree

not instant favs for c'ship either

Nope, definitely not instant favs. Right now on contract it will be Him, Wade, Bosh and Mario Chalmers. Beasley will have to be traded and who can they bring in to fill in the other spots and make a good team?

How good would Chicago have been with: Rose, Bron, Deng, Booze, Noah and Flip Murray, Devin Brown, Gibson, James Johnson coming off the bench...
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