I've reached a milestone!


Altona North, Victoria
Real Name
Hey Lads, haven't done a mailday in AGES but had some nice stuff come in the last few weeks, also realised the other day that i had one Dirk Patch to go to hit 50!!!!!! and what do you know i get home today to find something in the mail box....

UD Trilogy Generations Patch #47/50

Fleer Sweet Sigs Hardcourt Heroics Patch #50/50

UD Premier Rare Remnants Quad #7/25 w KG

Unfortunately my happiness was somewhat soured by the condition of that last card, as you can see from the scan, its been bent in the mail, i guess that happens when you send stuff in PLAIN WHITE ENVELOPES an angry, well worded email has been sent and i await a reply (it was ebay, not here by the way)

On a lighter note i got some nice autos too

Everyones favourite CBL player... Starbury!
Trilogy Autofocus

UD Black Ticket Auto #49/50

UD Black Ticket Auto #8/50
3 time NBA dunk Champ, Nate the Great

thats all for now, and probably a while, got a holiday to Malaysia coming up in 3 weeks and need to save some spending money

Thanks for looking
Man, nice work indeed on the pick ups. The Dirky collection is coming alonge very nicely, and what a bugger on the damaged card

Love the glass auto, I am a dead set sucker for those things, they look awesome in hand and displayed in one touches. So preeeettyyyy.

And speaking of pretty, UD Black tickets. Dang, I love those things, I never get sick of seeing those.

Thanks for sharing you additions