Is this an error card??????????

Does it really matter?

Firstly, error cards do not really carry much premium, and Larry Nance..........
Just found it and thought it was interesting!!!Must have had this card 10- 15 years and never noticed it!!!! Not all cards have to be worth alot $$$ to still be interesting.And I thought I could just put it on here to ask some knowledgable collectors!!!!! Sorry for wasting your time
Pretty sure the fleer Tony's pizza cards were from around that era and they were not number. However, i'm not sure if there was a Tony's Fleer Ultra set ever made. It could just be an error and you have yourself an ebay 1/1 :)
I busted a pack of 09-10 UD awhile back. Unbelievable how many collation errors. I'd say 15% of cards were wrong. I have a few with photo fron and back of MJ and Lebron, but the card is for wally Szczerbiak. Not sure if I should keep them in my MJ collection or not lol.
Yeah tough call that!!!!!!!!! wonder if theres any autos out there signed by the wrong player?????????
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